We had just walked into the palatial garden, it was full of flowers, a mixture of orchids and daisies and ofcourse juliet roses. The table were elicited in beautiful teal and lilac fine cloths. Their were orchestrated lamps hanging around from trees, it was evening and the lights from the lamp hanging around and tables covered with lamps looked so peaceful and beautiful that it almost gave the feel of some casual but beautiful soiree. The winds rustled and the smell of flowers and vanilla candles filled my nostrils. I took a deep grateful breath. " I think so we need to say thank you to the wedding planner. She has really surpassed the decorations. "
Kiyansh turned towards me and smiled at me. " She really seems to be a fan of you. All the time when we talked she was asking questions about you. She also really likes your parents. " He said and pointed towards my father who was also wearing a tux in grey colour instead of his usual jeans and T-shirts. He looked so handsome, deep in conversation with the before-mentioned wedding planner. She was a brunette dressed in black sleek gown. She smiled up at something my father said.
And just as we both entered the colossial lawn, heads turned in our direction. People dressed in fine opulent clothes seemed to straighten themselves and smiled at us. Some I recognised, some I didn't. But I smiled back, understanding if they were important enough to attend our wedding it means they were important enough to someone in our family.
My eyes fell upon Prisha, Rohit, Kritika and Ayan and surprisingly on the two cricketers we met on the world cup, Vikrant and Rathi. I see Rathi standing close to Kritika. He is wearing a blue suit. His black eyes stuck on her. They all are smiling at us. Except Ayan whom i see is somewhat stiff. I look questioningly at him but he just gives me a little smile.
I tug Kiyansh in there direction. They all meet us in the middle. " Hiii" I grin up at them.
" Hello, Congratulations. You owe me Rathi, I told you boss was head over heels" Vikrant laughs like a boy and winks at me, his handsome face gleaming in the lights.
" Thank you " I say somewhat muffled. They bet on me?
He moves forward and hugs me a little. I feel someone tugging me up in the opposite direction. I look up and see Kiyansh glaring at Vikrant.
" Okay Okay " Vikrant holds up his hand in surrender then offers me his hand. " I want to play in IPL. "
I pass an irritated look at Kiyansh then take his hands laughing at his joke.
They all congratulate us. And I see Kritika and Rathi getting more and more close to each other. I pass an amused eyebrow at Prisha who grins at me. I turn my head to talk to Ayan who seems missing. " Where is Ayan? " I frown up at Rohit.
" Don't know , he was just there. By the way I like your sneakers. " He smirked at me.
I grinned and pointed towards Kiyasnh who was standing with Vikrant and Rathi talking about cricket as always.
I look around again and impetouously start walking, looking for Ayan. I remember his face since afternoon and I wanted to know if he was feeling well. A lot of people stopped me for congratulations, I gave them scant smiles and hastily walked away from them. I search for atleast fifteen more minutes before my eyes find him in a far corner standing under Ashoka tree. His back to the trunk of the tree a glass of wine in his hands. I check my left and right and then move towards him, raising my skirt a bit from the ground.
" Hey " I say reaching under the tree and folding my arms.
" Hey" he looked surprised and stood straight. His idyllic features literally shoned under the tree light. He was wearing a grey checked fit Armani suit. His dark black hair were cropped short but some of the strands still fell upon his head, his dark black eyes were stark alive, in short, he was looking like the heartthrob he was. The smell of his perfume was very striking. I loved perfumes, I reminded myself to ask him which one he was wearing although the perfume I loved most in the world was woodpines and chocolate. This was the second best perfume I have smelled till now.
" What are you doing, hiding away from girls? " I raise my brow in mock surprise.
" Maybe. " He says softly giving me a beatific smile.
" Hey ! What happened are you okay? I am watching you since morning you are not looking well. "
" Oops that hurt. At first you rejected me so fast that you married someone else now you are also saying I don't look well." He gave me a smile but I saw something serious in his eyes.
I stuck my tounge out at him I didn't like seeing him sad although I wanted to ask him the reason I chose a different way. " Oh please don't even start my cousin's are gauging their eyes out if their sockets since you came to our house and is the bollywood icon asking me if he is looking sexy or not? Just look at yourself standing here like this, women would swoon just by seeing you. Now...."
" I hope I am not disturbing something " A glacial voice bit between us like a rock. I turned and saw Kiyansh standing not too far from us. His eyes looked wild. His demeanor censorious. He was standing so stiff it looked like something bit him.
I opened my mouth but Kiyansh stepped forward and took my arms stiffly driving me towards him by force. I apprehensively looked up at him, what was he thinking, but before I could say anything, he thundered on Ayan saying, " If you don't mind, I would like to talk to my wife. "
Usurping me scantily towards the opposite area away from people. " What are you doing. " I asked him.
He didn't answer and continued dragging me. " Kiyansh leave me ."
He didn't respond passing under tree by tree. He stopped when we reached what looked like a small alleyway between the garden to the hotel in the big property. It was one of the Singhania chains, so it must be easy for him to know where would be no people.
He seemed to take long breaths still not leaving my arm. " What are you even doing? Just because it's your hotel it doesn't mean that you can drag me anywhere " I said in a harsh bellitling tone.
He looked up at me with scorching brown eyes " Our hotel. " He said in a stiff voice. Then he seemed to count till ten.
He esconed me with smoldering gaze, " Do you like him? "
" What? " I gasped.
He gritted his teeth. " Do you like him? That bludger! " His hands tightened on my arms.
I gave him a piqued look. " Ofcourse I like him he is my friend. "
Kiyansh gave me a pernicious look, " You know what I mean. Are you attracted to him? "
I opened my mouth just staring at him.
" Are you crazy? I was just talking to him because he seemed upset. He is guest of mine. He came to Mumbai just to attend my wedding. "
" You are talking like you married someone else. It's OUR WEDDING. And I told you to not leave my side. And here you are leaving me the second you see him, calling him sexy. While I was worried about you like an idiot."
I passed him a condemning gaze. " Don't turn him into something it is not. You are accusing me as if I was flirting with him. I was just saying that he was sexy and any women in the party would swoon over him which was obvious just to make......"
Before I could complete the sentence, Kiyansh growled and pounced on me. His lips clashed on me, punishing me with bruising intensity. I stumbled back but he dragged me forward wrapping his arms around me like steel. His toung pushed my mouth for entrance. At first I didn't open but his continued kissing softened me. His lips opened mine and his tounge invaded my mouth. I felt a wave of sensory butterflies filling up my whole body and I almost shuddered with the intensity of kiss. He kissed me until all breath leaved my body.
We both took fast deep breaths. He saw me with beautiful brown accusing eyes, " You will make me crazy. "
I passed him a disgusted look. I took breaths like I just runned a marathon. " You. are. Crazy. " I said between gasps of breath.
" You are not going to call other man sexy like that. " he chided like a child.
" So I can call them sexy any other way? " I shook my head up at him. " What's gotten into you? Believe me if I felt someone else was more sexier than you I probably would have married them" I said it as a joke but he seemed to take offense to that
" Come here. I will tell you. " He motioned me with his index finger passing me a dangerous look.
When I shook my head, he sighed and came near me.
And he kissed me again.
How are you all doing? The weather is so beautiful. It feels so good.