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Chapter - 38 Blankets and Despodency?

" You are not better than Daniel Radcliffe. You don't even have blue eyes." I said lying on the bed like a cat.

" Oh but you have. And your blue eyes are much much better than his. So technically I am better than him. " He said bending down to plug in the big wire near the light brown cabinet just across from bed. My eyes fell upon his waist unwillingly he was changed into boxers and a soft white t-shirt.

I threw a pillow on my own face. What are you doing? " What does that even mean? " I said my voice muffled because of the pillow on my face.

" It means that if my wife is better than Harry. So technically I am better than him. Because you are my wife. And may I ask why are you suffocating yourself from a pillow."

I blushed and felt grateful that I was indeed stuffing my face in a pillow. The commencing music of Harry Potter started booming in the room and I chanced to look up. He was standing under the luminescent light, his brown hair looked almost golden, like a halo surrounding him. And...he was smiling at me, his dimpled smile. My heart skipped a beat, a staccato of blood flowing through my chest. He looked so beautiful, it hurt.

" Don't look at me like that? " He said with almost a red face.

" Like what? " My voice came out ragged. I cleared my throat.

His eyes sparkled, he looked like an angle. A nefarious curious threatning angle. My heartbeat thumped, my face burning with the way he was looking at me.

He didn't say anything just held out his right hand outwards towards me. Till the time I got up and was keeping my hand on his ,my body was almost shaking. He stepped forward and helped me up. My skin vibrated when his arms wrapped around my waist, we both were standing under the light. From up close, he looked even more beautiful than he was looking. And I suddenly wondered how was it ever possible for someone to look that beautiful. " Why are you frowning?" He whispered and I blushed. Because maybe I was wondering if you were a fallen angel by any chance. I didn't say anything. Couldn't say.

His eyes looked the colour of umber, with golden specks circling around. His thick lashes almost falling on his cheeks. My eyes travelled to his throat and I saw him swallowing. My heartbeat sped up a thousand miles. The voice of Harry and everything else subsiding. It was just, him and me. Us.

Without a moment, his lips fell upon mine and I groaned with their intensity. His were like burning fire. The fire which grazed through my soul like the years i yearned for him. And I kissed him back. For all the years I saw him with other girls clinging onto him. The years I felt like I would break and fall into splinters if he would go anymote closer to them. The years I.....his tounge circled my lips and without any hesitation my lips opened. He growled when i bit his bottom lip. And suddenly we were on the bed. His chest on mine. Close. But closer. Closer, my body yelled. I shook when his hand went under my t-shirt, his long fingers grazing my skin.

And my resolve to control shattered. I pushed him back with sudden strength. And his eyes widened in surprise when I rolled him on the back and I was on the top. I looked at him for a moment. His cheeks russet with blood. He eyes wide, golden sparkling through the brown. I bent down kissed him on the throat and for the first time in my life i saw him looking so so vulnerable. I had seen him sharing emotions with me but this, this was something different. My hands went under his t-shirt and he took a deep breath. My hands familiar with his hard muscles but it was as if I was touching his skin for the first time. It was so soft almost like a baby's. My hands reached to his chest through his abs and he caught my arms groaning and turning me under him again.

His lips clashed with mine and I forgot what I was doing. His hands fell upon my hip, and I felt an electric current pass through me like a sudden lightning. " We have to stop. " He whispered on my lips and my body stilled. " Otherwise I...." Before he could say anything I pushed him back with a flushed face nodding my head.

It was as if someone threw a bucket of water on my face. But I kept the expression neutral nodding my head.


" Let me....." He sat up as if he wanted to say something.

I interjected, " I feel too tired can we sleep please? "

I said looking everywhere but him. I wanted to scream at myself. You were ready to embarrass yourself even today right?

Sudden anger and confusion at myself took over me. You thought he wanted you. And without saying a word I just threw myself on the left side on my bed. For minutes nobody did anything. I could feel him looking at me but I did not turn my head and pretended to sleep with tightly closed eyes. After minutes I heared him switching off the TV and closing off the light. I felt a blanket covering me gently and I felt a pain so weird. What happened? I wanted to ask him. Did you suddenly remembered that you didn't love me. Or did you suddenly remembered about Sahana?

My chest tightened but this time I didn't let my resolve fade and I didn't know when but I felt a dozing blankness seizing me up, and I gave in.

Someone was banging on my head, I turned and opened my eyes irritatingly. The room was still dark just little amount of light silvering through the lace curtains , I looked right and left in confusion and then I realised someone was banging on the door. I ignored Kiyansh's body turning inside the blanket and got up hastily when I saw him getting up from the corner of my eyes. I moved fast through the room to the living room and the voices got louder.

I moved across the living room barefooted, the pendulum lights were still on. Whoever it is. I am just gonna kill them. Kill them.

My head pulsed and I opened the door with blatant anger on my face. But my expression vanished just as I saw my mom and Kiyansh's mom standing there with wide eyes. The sunlight poured through with the wisp smell of fragrant flowers.

" Hiii " Kiyansh's mother said extra gleefully. She was dressed in a white sundress her inky black hair open falling below her shoulder. Her face shined when she said, " I am so sorry to barge on you like that it's just, it's three in the afternoon and we ......."

" Who is it" Kiyansh called out from the room. Then I heard his footsteps, it was so weird how I could recognise it was him by the sound of his footsteps. " Mom?"

Kiyansh's mom instantly seemed to turn red. " I am sorry we didn't mean to disturb you. " She said hastily. While my mom snickered and looked amusingly at me.

I passed mom an irritated look. " No! It's okay we were just tired didn't hear the door. " I instantly realised what the hell did I just say and what it could mean to them. But before I could say anything she beamed like a lightbulb at me. Then smiled behind me. " Okay we would have left you alone but we have to head home. There's your welcome party baby girl. " She said with a tinge of red on her face.

" And she dragged me from the bed for it also " my mother grumbled and Kiyansh's mom passed a quick glare at her direction before smiling at me as if I was a wonder.

" So you come with me. " She clapped her hands. " Let's go. " She started to move towards me.

" No. " Kiyansh's voice cut through like ice. " Mom I will take her home. "

Kiyansh's mother started to say something but I turned and looked at him directly. The events of last night coming to me like a picture, humiliation piercing me . And I saw him stiffen before I even said, " I am going with them. "

His eyes flashed. He opened his mouth to say something. But he stopped. I guessed it must have been the look of my eyes. And I hoped it was. I turned my head before I humiliated myself even more by crying in front of all of them. And then I realised our mothers were staring at us. Their eyes wide but this time their faces were turned in confusion and somewhat apprehension.

I instantly chided myself internally and turned my face into what I hoped was a smile. " I want some female company! " Atleast that much was true. I instantly missed Prisha and Kritika. Atleast I could have told them. I reminded myself to call them as soon as possible.

Though the expression of our mothers eyes didn't change. A searching smile came on both of their faces at the same time. " Yeah let's go. Sorry Kiyansh. " My mother said and took my hand. I could see instantly in her eyes the worried questioning look but I smiled at her. She deserved to be happ both of them did. So I made a promise to myself, I will go at the party and smile for these beautiful mothers I had.

" Just let me get my phone. " I said turning back and evading Kiyansh's stare at my back. I sauntered through the room and picked up my phone from the side table near the bed.

" What are you doing? " I jumped and turned at the voice of Kiyansh. When did he follow me?

I didn't answer him just stared at him. I wanted to say thousand of things to him. Shout at him. But I knew this was not the time.

" Don't go. We can go together. " His hard eyes turned suddenly soft. He almost looked at me pleadingly.

" I have to go. " I said and held up my hands. I didn't think I was ready to hear whatever he was going to say. My heart turned, he was looking innocently handsome. His hair was somewhat curled and fell on his head. Before I could even go any more mad , I said " I will see you at the party. And you won't follow me. " I added with a warned look.

His lip formed a straight line. But he nodded his head. And then without a single glance back at him I went out.