Ah! Blackmailing, I see.

Daisy's pov

In most of my classes throughout the day, I couldn't concentrate. I was lost thinking about what Lizz said about him giving up on me. I somehow need to contact him now. I even lost hope of Aaron helping me through this. Firstly, it was unreasonable of me to expect anything from him. I already hurt him too much and now I don't think he'll even prefer seeing my face.

"Hey, Hannah Montano." An all too familiar voice greets me snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turn around to find my other amazing best friend standing there with a huge grin plastered on his face. Jake is more like a brother to me.

He's tall, almost six feet in height. No one feature makes him perfect, he's a complete package. His eyes are the windows to his soul, his eyes are a mess of deep ocean blue with flecks of silvery light performing ballet throughout. any girl would fall for, they hold honesty, gentleness and affection. He is a true gentleman, not by his politeness or attitude but because of his heart which is so pure that he never thinks before helping anyone. Anywhere, anyone is in need and he's just a call away. He's got light brown skin tone and he's slim, muscular with an almost symmetrical face. His high raised cheekbones and taut jawline are what makes him look perfect.

"Hey, Jacky chain." I greet back with a huge grin on my face.

"Where were you all these days? You know, I missed my favourite best friend." He says throwing his arms around me engulfing me in a bearhug.

"Huh! As if." I snorted in response.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I know I should've called you but I was occupied with stuff. I had deadlines to meet and they were very important. You know it." He says with a guilt-stricken look.

"Not forgiving you until you apologize properly," I say with an evil smile on my face.

"Ah! Blackmailing, I see." He says grinning like an idiot.

"Anyways, how did your project with the NGO go?" I ask as I remembered he was doing some internship project with the famous NGO here.

"Well, I cracked it. What did you expect from me?" He asks with mocking arrogance.

"You know this arrogance doesn't suit you, right? Then why do you even try it?" I ask him with a pout.

"Okay, let's drop it, now. Where's Lizz?" He asks looking around.

"Um..." I trailed off awkwardly.

"What is it?" He asks, his expression suddenly turned serious and his shoulders squared.

"Uhh...Jake, She went on a lunch date with that jerk, Anthony." I answer cautiously knowing very well the outburst that's going to follow.

"Fuck!" I jumped as his fist collided with the wall beside him.

"Jake, this is not the way you react. This is the reason I never tell you this stuff." I scold him taking his hand in mine to examine it. A gasp leaves my lips before I speak "It's bleeding, Jake. Do you have any sense? Since when did you become irrational like Luke?" I yell at him receiving curious glances from a passer by's.

"Daisy--" I cut him off immediately.

"Just shut it. Save it for later. I have got a first aid kit in my car, let's go." I say giving him a hard glare. He sighs reluctantly and follows behind me.

Once in the parking lot, I getting him seated in the passenger seat of my car and aid him standing outside the car.

"If it bothers you so much, why don't you just ask her out?" I ask him while wiping away the blood from his knuckles.

"What if it spoils our friendship? You know I can't afford that." He answers staring away in distance.

"Okay. Let me do something about it." I say pouring the antiseptic on the cotton.

"What are you gonna do?" He asks eyeing me suspiciously.

"Oh trust me on this, Jacky chain. I'll indirectly ask her what she feels about you and then let's decide what to do next." I answer with a smile, a plan already forming in my head.

"It's done," I say, finally wrapping the last of bandage.

"Thanks, Daisy." He says with an undecipherable expression.

"Uh... Don't go into the sappy mode now, please." I say nudging him in the ribs. Silence is the response I received.

"Hey!! Did you forget the apology?" I question him raising my eyebrows.

"You won't let it go, will you? Let's go then." He answers smiling.

"I don't like seeing you sad, Jacky chain," I say turning the engine on and pulling the car out of the parking lot.

He speaks after two minutes of silence but the words that leave his lips catches me off guard.

"What would you do when the person you like, doesn't reciprocate your feelings? What would you do if you have to see them with someone else? What is it with all of us? Lizz's unreciprocated crush on Aaron, Luke's broken heart, my helplessness for Lizz and Aaron's unrequited love fo-----" He trails off suddenly and turns his face away from me, glancing out of the window as if avoiding me.

It's after what he said that I realize the gravity of it. For some time, I totally forgot about Brandon and our love. It was as if I don't even remember I loved someone and I'm waiting for him. How could I forget so easily, as if he never existed? What's happening?