Not her.

Elizabeth's (Lizz) pov:

"Happy birthday in advance, Lizz." Hannah says, embracing me in a hug with a small squeeze as if trying to convey her regret of not being able to be there with me.

"Yeah Eliza, Happy birthday." Typical coming from Luke.

"We're really sorry, we cannot make it, Lizz. We'll have an amazing party once you're back from the concert. It's my word." Jake says with a small smile adorning his perfectly sculpted face.

"Anyways I didn't expect anything from you all." Lies. I lie through my teeth, not wanting to show the hurt I am feeling.

"I think we should get going, Ronnie," I say walking away from them towards the car. Aaron comes behind me and puts my bag in the trunk of the car before getting into the driver's seat.

Without a backward glance at them, we drive out of my driveway onto the road, embarking on our journey to Frankfort. This concert was supposed to be a getaway from the shitty life I was having recently. Hannah had her own troubles and I didn't want to add more of mine to it. I didn't want to be the cherry on the top.

After my date with Anthony, I was kind of depressed because he wasn't what he showed he was. I chose him to get over my crush, who happens to be one of my best friend. I knew and I still know, we don't stand a chance together. He'll never love me. He might have never even seen me in that way. I've been crushing over him since the first day we met but years later too, he hasn't noticed me till now.

We're the best friends like everyone in our group. We talk, share stuff, hang out, we do everything but my feelings aren't mutual. They're one-sided and I hate it.

It feels as if we're all cursed. We all have been in one-sided relationships where our feelings weren't ever reciprocated. Luke's undying love for Alice, though she isn't here. Aaron's unrequited, selfless love for Hannah and Jake's disinterest in girls and my one-sided love for him.

I wish he had the same feelings for me. I wish he felt the way I did for him. But unfortunately, that isn't possible. Feelings can't be forced.

After the nightmare of a date with Anthony, I wanted to get away and fortunately, the concert was an option. I wanted all of them to come. I am usually very excited about my birthday but this year, I'm not. I needed someone to make me feel better, to make me feel loved. But that isn't in my fate, I suppose.

Mom and Dad have always been away for a business, with no siblings, these four are the only one's who make my boring life adventurous. I know I shouldn't feel sad or upset, I should understand their circumstances but I wanted them here.

I wanted Hannah with me, I need them all. But nothing can be done. I even considered cancelling this trip but I need a getaway and I'm going to have one, no matter what.

"Hey! Where are you lost?" Ronnie's voice snaps me out of my reverie.

"Uh..nothing." I stammer, blinking away the sadness.

"I know you feel bad about their absence but I'm here, right. I'll try to make your day special for you. Don't worry." He says, a huge grin breaking on his face.

"'I miss her," I say subconsciously.

"It's been 10 minutes since we pulled out of there and you already started missing Daisy?" He asks with confusion clouding his features.

"Not her," I say staring at my lap.


I stare at him and a sudden realization flashes on his face changing his mood suddenly from the happiest one to the grief-stricken one.

"Alice." I breathe out. Her name bringing back beautiful memories in my head.

"We miss her too, Lizz. We all do. Luke is still not over it." He states never taking his eye off the road.

"I know." I let out a heavy sigh and lean back in my seat, closing my eyes.

"You can sleep if you want, we'll be there by ten in the evening."

"Okay," I mumble back in response.


Five hours later.

"Let's make a quick stop. I've to pee." I whine for the fourth time in the last five minutes.

"Calm down, Lizz. The next stop is five minutes away, be patient."

"Nope. No. Just stop the car. Stop the car this instant. Please."

"Lizz ---"

"Aaron Henry Crawford, I said stop the car this instant," I yell resulting in him obeying me.

As soon as the car stops, I step out and make a run for the washroom in the abandoned house.

Relieved, I walk out of the washroom and stretch a bit to loosen the tension in the muscles by sitting for so long. Once I'm done, I notice that the surrounding area is deserted. I didn't even care to notice my surroundings and now, I regret it.

Saying my silent prayers, I start walking in the direction I came from and suddenly I feel as if someone is following me. I start speed-walking as I sense them getting closer. Dread fills my stomach with every step they're taking closer.

My steps start getting heavy and my breathing quickens as I start sprinting. Suddenly two rough hands clutch my elbow and pull me back while the other hand covers my mouth. I start struggling in their hold, trying to free myself to no avail. Through my muffled cries and blurred vision, I can see Aaron's car a few meters away from us and I make an attempt to get his attention, failing miserably.

They start walking away from Aaron, my feet off the ground, I try to pry their hands off me. I bite the hand covering my mouth and yell Aaron's name as loud as I can before being shoved in the car.

I faintly hear Aaron's voice calling for me before my vision blackens and lose consciousness.