Recently on Drago- *cough* *cough* I mean reborn in the OPM world
Author note I know y'all love meh book so I wanna tell ya I'm makin a new book so ya soon I will make the chapters but ima focus on this book first
-skip to three years later-
Our mc currently is four years old while saitama is 12 our mc has been training a little bit here are his stats
Name:Cero ??? (Who gives a shit)
Height: 3 foot 2 (is shorter than average witch is 3 foot four but don't worry he will grow to be tall like broly not dbs broly who is shorter but bulkier he will be tall and bulky so yea like dbz Lssj broly)
Power Level:54,000 (yea it tripled)
Cero does not go to school because his father lost almost all his money and savings in a casino so yea they can't afford preschool though saitama goes to school because his father wants to use him.
So basically he is looks like a chino version of saitama with hair but his hair is to his shoulders and his eyes are pure black like saitama's so that's his features