Chapter One: Monstrous Nature

Down in GiantFall...

"Stop him! Stop him now!" A giant commanding officer yelled pointing his sword towards the chaos unfolding. "This merciless killing is that of a witch's doing! Don't look at him as a boy! We must kill him!" Fifty foot tall giants were sent flying through the air as if they were rag dolls. Thousands were slaughtered, hundreds of more were in critical condition, and thousands of giants were left without a home to return too. The cause of this chaos? A six year old human child with blue lifeless eyes.

"Why would this witch give this human child such monstrous power?! And why was this attack solely at GiantFall?!" The commander giant question as he watched more of his giant warriors being tossed around. "This is the doing of senseless revenge! What elder witch could have caused this?! I thought we completely wiped out all of the elder witches!"

The human child with the blue eyes continued to wreak havoc in his presence. With one punch he sent giant houses crumbling, each slow step caused horrid trembles that even the heaviest giant could not match, and his tremendous monster aura caused trees to collapse over even if he was kilometers away from them.

The giant commander knew that his warriors were senselessly going toward their own death to try and subdue this boy. He knew drastic action needed to be taken or this would be the end of GiantFall forever. "In all my years of living I never would have thought that I would need to use a sword my slay a human." Gripping his sword tighter he bellowed out loud, "FOR GIANTFALL!" stampeding forward towards the boy he dwarfed. Raising his sword above his head, the sixty-five foot tall commander brought down his massive sword at max velocity. "DIE YOU MONSTER!"

The sword hit it's mark, the commander closing his eyes so he wouldn't see that he just murdered a child. A few seconds later he forced himself to slowly open his eyes and what he saw left him completely bewildered. Beneath the sword was a boy left completely unscathed by a blade. The tip of the blade was shattered. Giants are one of the more powerful races in this world their strength is nearly unmatched. The commander was one of the strongest commanders capable of casually slicing a large mountain in half. His strength was by no means a joke and the very fact this boy was still standing without so much as scratch left him shocked beyond comprehension. "What in all of..." The young boy swung the side of his fist into his sword shattering it fully with one hit. He then slightly bent his knees and leaped up to eye level with his shocked opponent and with another punch that connected with the giant's cheek he forced an instant neck break killing the commander.

Commander, stronger then most giants wasn't even match for this monstrosity of a six year old boy. The abnormal boy landed on his feet turning around to watch the giant slowly fall over like a massive oak tree face first into the dirt.

"Are humans really that strong Hardoy?" A young giant child asked hiding behind a rock with his older brother.

"No, humans are a fragile and weak race. There are very few that are capable of forcing a giant to use a sword. However, once that sword is used there isn't really anything left but a stain of blood. Not to mention they are very small even the tallest of humans are tiny compared to giant children. But him? He's taller then you and can nearly look me in the eye. It's not hard for him to easily be mistaken for a giant." Hardoy wasn't exaggerating, on average giant children make even the largest of humans look small. However, this particular young human was 12 feet tall. Slightly shorter then Hardoy, who was a little over the twelve foot mark.

The two giants watched as the human boy continued to destroy every last bit of their hometown completely helpless.

"Like Genriro said, this is a witch's spell at work. A witch with a grudge against giants. His strength beyond any giant, his body is so tough even Genriro swinging down at full force didn't put a scratch on his body, and that bloodlust... he's not stopping till he's finished... we must warn the king. Come on, let's go..."

The human boy with blue lifeless continued his rampage on GiantFall. No giant could stand up to his tremendous power and he was on his way to the kingdom to kill off the Giant King. Hardoy and his brother only have a limited time before he reaches the peak.

"What! A young human is heading this way?" The king asked, "Hardoy, this is no time for games!" The King's peak was so high that he wasn't even aware that his own kingdom was being attack by a human boy.

"But I am not my king! He's killed one of your strongest commanders with a single blow to the cheek!" The king's face grimaced at the words of Hardoy. "If he can kill Genriro with ease! Think of what he can do to you to my king! Please! We must leave before he comes!"

"Nonsense child! What kind of king would I be if I allowed myself to be taken down or even be intimidated by some mere child?!"

"Did you not hear what I say! He's not some regular human! He's not even the size of a human! He's taller then my brother, Xix!" The King along with other giants looked over at Xix the giant child who stood well over ten feet. "A human has never been seen that big! What kind of human is that?" Other questions were asked among the giant warriors and while all this commotion went on Hardoy grew angrier that no one besides his own brother was taking him seriously.

The giant king stood up with his sword drawn his massive stature dwarfing all his fellow giants. "A giant never runs away from a fight no matter who it may be Hardoy. You are severely underestimating me boy if you think some slightly bigger human with nothing but strength is going to outclass me..."

The large wooden doors shattered open shards of wood went flying into eyes of the giants temporarily stunning soldiers of the king. "He's here!" Hardoy had shouted immediately taking his brother's wrist and pulling him away to safety.

"Men! Stop him now!" Hardoy was well aware that none of the giants stood a chance against him. He was on a whole other level that even the giant king himself could never reach. Completely throwing away his pride, Hardoy along with his brother retreated.

The king along with his warriors prepared themselves for whatever this boy was about to throw at them. Ten soldiers rushed towards the boy with swords drawn raising them above their heads. "Die you monster!" One of them yelled out bring down their sword at full force. Once the blade made contact with his body it broke upon impact.

The boy rushed towards the giant who attempted to strike him down hitting him directly in shin shattering it with one blow. It was so hard he lost balanced and landed on his face. More giants rushed and more had fallen single handily by a six year old boy...

All that was left was the giant king and boy all staring one another down. "Such power... normally, it would take thousands of humanity's strongest men to take on a single common giant soldier. My royal guard is even stronger then common giants and yet you completely destroyed them." Giant King looked at the body of unharmed boy who had nothing but his own fist to do the fighting while giants had swords that added to their already incredible range of reach. "Despite all this happening I know this isn't your fault boy. That eye color you possess, I've seen it a few times and this is definitely a witch's doing and the only way to get rid of it is putting an end to it."

"I'll rid you of your suffering once and for all!" The King rose his sword and as he brung it down he shouted, "Celestial Sword!" A yellow beam struck against the ice floor hitting all in a straight line including the boy himself. "Our swords were made by the gods themselves and only kings are capable of wielding such great power! Nothing has survived the celestial beam of the gods! No matter how strong that spell is! It won't protect you!"

Huge shards of the ice floor flung against the wall, the floor caved in from the king's colossal force, and the entire castle began to crumble. "I'm sorry little boy, I'm sorry I wasn't able to save you from the hands of those witches! But now, your suffering is over and you are now resting with the celestials eternally."

Half the ginormous building completely collapsed and a massive cloud of smoke covered all of the mountain. The king fell out of the smoke landing directly in front of the young boys Hardoy and his brother standing in the mist of their fallen city. "I can't believe it, he decimated this entire city by himself..." Hardoy commented holding his brother tightly next to him. "I thought the witches were no more my king?" He looked up to the towering giant who continued to overlook the devastation.

"My boy, I believed the same thing once upon a time." The seventy-five foot tall king looked down at the two young male giants. "Dawn the witch is behind this. She was the only one of the elder witches that I didn't see die with my own two eyes. We must leave this place and warn the alliances." The three giants began walking away from the carnage mourning all their brothers and sisters who lost their lives fighting or attempting to run away from the boy. "That isn't the last of him." The king commented looking down at his sword.

"What?! Finish him my king!"

"Unfortunately, even with my terms of power he wasn't scratched. I saw as my attack connected... all it did was cause my building to collapse. Whatever that spell is, it is far beyond even me, the most powerful giant. Come on, we must leave this place and tell the other capitals along with the alliances to evacuate all cities. If I know Dawn, she's not only after giants she's after anyone who fought against the witches." As they walked, Hardoy couldn't help but know he was right the entire time. Even the The Giant King could hurt him. Not only that he was forced to retreat from a fight because it was simply a battle he wasn't winning.

Eight years later over in Fairy Tree, the largest tree in the world

"An enhancer fairy? Aren't they the weakest types of fairy?" A kid questioned another looking at the lone girl standing in the middle of the water bank.

"There really isn't much known about them. They usually die when first born but that isn't the case with Stella, she killed both her parents from the immense power."

A enhancer fairy is the rarest of the fairy race due to one never being able to make it over a minute after being brought into the world. Stella, like the boy fairy said accidentally killed both her parents from her immense power. In fact, anyone that was in the fifty mile radius of her was obliterated.

The worst part about Stella was, she never recalled such actions.

"Her power is unrivaled. Even at such a young age she could give the grandmasters a hard time if it were only purely a magical duel. She'll be phenomenal when she gets older." Stella rolled her eyes obviously bored with the rambling. Not wanting to hear anymore about how powerful she was, Stella walked away from all the other children and adults taking flight into the night sky she flew away from the massive tree. Every night this young fairy left the tree to go over to a specific place very far away from fairy tree. A friend that she known for many years was waiting for her arrival.

A few hundred kilometers away from the fairy tree. The fifteen year old fairy arrived in front of a massive cave staring into the dark hole. "Hey, come on out." She called out into the cave. Moments later, the ground began with a slight tremble. The trembles became stronger after a while indicating that whatever was in the cave wasn't far away and Stella instead of being frightened just continued to look up.

It was the massive human with the blue eyes looking down at Stella. He had grown much bigger then the last eight years he was seen. Going from 11 to 26 feet tall. "Hey big guy." Stella said, "sorry I'm late but the fairies held me up."

Stella and this human's relationship was quite bizarre. Normally, humans and fairies cannot coexist. Yet here they are with a very friendly friendship like a child's tale. How they met is very strange as a few days after decimating GiantFall the giants had told the fairies about a very powerful threat towards their way and to always be prepared as he may show up any given time. When Stella heard about this human her interest grew and decided to set off on finding him. Matter of fact when the news spread around the room of a human killing off giants everyone was shocked. How she befriended this behemoth is currently unknown.

The human with the blue eyes put his finger down for Stella to grab. Which she gently did allowing him to lead her deeper into what could have been his home. "Find anything special that could lead us to the artifact?" To respond he shook his head indicating no. "It's okay, we can go find something together okay?"

Stella and the human were on a special hunt for an rare artifact that if found, could grant them one wish of any kind. Their exact wishes remained to be known.

Gently grabbing Stella like a life sized doll, the human set her on one of his shoulders and jumped down the cliff landing into the dense forest below. "So, according to Fairy Grandmaster Diamond... the last time the artifact was seen was nearly a century ago beneath the darkest depths of the planet. No one has made it that far into the tunnel without being eviscerated. it's guarded by ... Demons huh? I've never seen one before. You?" She asked him and he responded by shaking his head. "Interesting. So what you suggest we do hmm?"

The two walked down the dirt path, the human looked up at fairy tree with a curious face. He then pointed up towards it. "I'm sorry, you can't go up there yet. Humans and fairies don't exactly coexist. Especially since you have a humungous bounty on your head big guy! The other factions want you dead because your a threat to them."

He nodded his head continuing to walk past the large tree. Little did these two know that over fifty meters behind them was a group of dangerous bounty hunters trailing behind them. "What in the hell is that..." One of them said observing the large human from a safe distance. "Didn't you hear? That's the human who single handedly took out all of Giantfall. Not even the king stood a chance against him."

"Shit this may be a huge problem. What we're after is that girl on his shoulder. That right there is a fairy. Don't you understand how much gold we can get selling her off the market! We just need to capture her. And in this area it is perfect thanks to the trees. He's the same height as some of these trees. We use them to our advantage to snatch her right off his shoulder. Come on, let's go."

Bounty hunters were consisted of monsters. Monsters were considered the lowest of all races and to make a living they had to kidnap other races to sell them off in the black market. The buyers were of unknown origin, all that could be said was they bought from the market in order to eat the purchased goods. All races were available to be purchased and eaten. Humans were the lowest on the pay grade it was why the hunters weren't interested in the large human. However, fairies were on the higher pay grade. One fairy was equivalent to 10000 humans market.

The hunters sprang into action taking to the large trees. "Why not take the big human all together?" One of the hunters asked the leader. "While it may not be much, every piece of gold counts. Plus, there's something off about this human. The energy he produces dwarfs that of a normal humans. We may have hit the jackpot."

"You are right brother. However, this is the same human who even the giant king could not harm. We would never have the necessary forces to take him down. Taking the fairy is the best option."

As they leaped branch to branch they immediately noticed that the large human was no longer seen. All stopped on a large tree branch looking around for any signs of him. "Impossible... how those someone that big just suddenly disappear? Was he an illusion?"

All of them looked around for the giant human who was gone right before their very eyes. As they looked an enormous hand appeared right behind one of them. He felt his monstrous presence and quickly turned around and before he could even let out a scream or try to retreat. The human's hand smothered his body completely. "Brother!" One of them screamed out seeing him being taken away into the darkness.


Blood was splattered on the tree not to far below them. What was left was an awkwardly bent hunter twitching never even having a chance to fight back.

Again, another hunter was snatched from a tree at horrendous speed only to have received the same fate as his brother down below. "How did he catch wind of us?! Our presence was hidden!"

Not even hesitation processed in their mind about losing out on millions of gold. They just ran away as fast as they can. Behind them, heavy trembles were on their trail and they only drew closer. There was originally seven of them hunting down Stella. Now, it was only five and the number was bound to decrease if they did not retreat. "Impossible!" The leader bellowed out looking over to one of his comrades. "Split up brothers! Make sure you don't get caught I can't afford to lose any more of you!"

As he instructed all five monsters split up into directions throwing off the large human for a short time. He stopped dead in his tracks watching as all five of them disappeared into the dark forest.

"Dumb monsters, I was just waiting for the right moment to catch them. I wish that they were all disposed of but two of their dead brothers should send a message. Le-" Stella had been snatched right off the human's shoulder. It was another monster not originally part of the group using the trees to get some distance.

"Let go of me!" Stella strained out trying to break free of the monster's grip who tightly secured. "You think he won't catch you?"

The monster only ignored Stella's futile resistance jumping through the trees at an faster rate he kept a creepy smile on his face while doing this. "I can finally prove to my brothers that I'm not useless! Once I sell you to the higher ups we'll have enough gold to set us for life!"

Right behind them was the large human effortlessly ramming through dozens of large trees none were slowing him down.

Up in fairy tree, several fairy grandmasters heard the commotion down below. "What is that thing?" One of them asked eyes glowing red. "It's a human, yet not a human."

"He's wrecking everything he touches." Another grandmaster said slowly raising higher into the air. "Wait! Is that him? The human we have to look out for?! The human who destroyed GiantFall is here destroying Fairy Tree forest? We must put a stop to him!" Then, she darted straight towards the big human reaching him within a few seconds stopping a few hundred feet in front of his charging figure. At the same time, the grandmaster saw that Stella was being carried away by a monster above. "Stella?" She realized watching as he leaped right above her head.

The ground shook as the human ran right past the fairy continuing to chase after Stella still running through hundreds of trees. Meanwhile, the other fairies were right on the human's trail.

"Unbreakable Barrier!" One of the yelled out with their palm open creating a box around the human making him run straight into a purple forcefield. "Now, Hamitha!" He screamed out. "End him before he ends us!"

"Right!" Hamitha formed a beam of white light in her hand. While she was charging her attack, the human was doing all he could to break out of the barrier by repeatedly punching it like a mad animal but even with his unmatched strength he wasn't getting out. "Celestial..." the light only grew bigger completely eclipsing her hand. "Beam!" She shot out straight towards the human who stopped attacking once he saw the light heading towards him. His blue eyes widen realizing that he had nowhere to go since a forcefield surrounded him.

The light collided with him causing a mini explosion around all of fairy tree. The explosion sent powerful shockwave shook the very foundation of fairy tree fires spread through nearby trees. "Hamitha! Gores! That human was not attacking us he was trying to save Stella!"

The two grandmasters eyes widen looking down at the carnage they had created realizing they had just accidentally attacked an helpful ally. "This monster was trying to help Stella? Who has taken Stella?! Diamond!"

"It was the monster tribe. And now that you caused this explosion we have lost sight of that fool. Come on! We mus-" All three of them stopped at a tree suddenly falling over and a black figure stood up in the mist of all the smoke. "Impossible..." Diamond said as the smoked cleared and the large human with blue eyes was standing there looking at all three of them with an emotionless face. "That attack... hasn't even left a scratch on him.."

All three grandmasters levitated as the human continued looking at the them. Then, unexpectedly he pointed towards the direction Stella had been taken in. The grandmasters nodded their heads still in disbelief he had survived an attack that was meant to kill him. Not only that, he didn't even attempt to kill them. After pointing he continued on his pursuit with the grandmasters shortly following after him.

"Human," Diamond called out to him as he ran, "how did you and Stella meet?" Diamond hadn't realized that he was incapable of speaking. "The silent type huh? Well, you maybe are upset that we did try to kill you. I apologize on behalf of my comrades. Had we known your intentions... we wouldn't have approached so aggressively. That however still doesn't excuse you... we know what you did...."

Meanwhile, just a few kilometers outside of fairy tree region the young monster was still running with Stella in his grasp. "Those fools probably killed that giant friend of yours without even realizing that he was trying to help you. I will have to thank them for assisting me in your capture sometime in the future. We're almost to the ship where no one will be able to save you."

"So, your doing this for your brother's approval huh? You sell me, get a bunch of gold, then your brothers are magically going to accept you? You're even dumber then you look."

"Shut it fairy! Your don't know anything about me or my brother's life! All you other races don't have to experience what we monsters have to go through every single night! Even humans have better lives then us! And we're fifty times stronger then them! Tell me fairy, what would you do in our position? Would you just live out your days in a hole hoping you picked enough scraps to fill your belly?"

Stella remained quiet but not because she pity him. The silence was because her lack of care for him. She cared very little for life itself ever since the sudden loss of her parents due to being born with such tremendous power.

"That's what I thought." He said thinking he had won the argument against Stella.

A few kilometers behind the monster and Stella was the trio of grandmaster fairies and the human not far off.

The trio kept a distance away from the human who could turn on them any minute for dishing out an attack meant to take his life. In all their years, they have never met such a monstrosity. Hamitha, the fairy who used celestial light against him was beyond mortified. She just couldn't comprehend how he not only survived the attack, but went completely unscathed.

"Where are you from?" Hamitha asked, "you must have a name, a mother, or something you can relate too." She asked him only for him to keep on running forward not even bothering to turn his head to attempt for a response. "Why are you just ignoring us! I demand answers!"

"Hamitha! Leave him alone! It's bad enough we attacked this child who is a friend of Stella. The main focus is we retrieve Stella at all cost. We must not let them take her across the red sea!" Diamond instructed.

The big human began to sprint faster finally making it out Fairy Tree. Seeing the monsters track on ground he followed them and thanks to his immense height he could see Stella from a huge distance. Bending his knees he took straight to the sky leaping hundreds of kilometers with ease. The human's shadow completely engulfed the monster's body and when he looked all he saw was a 29 foot tall human falling straight towards him.

"He can jump that far?!" Landing right in front of him a cloud of dust made the monster stop right in his tracks. "Shit!" He tried running in three other directions but three fairy grandmasters all stopped him from going anywhere. "I thought you were dead! I heard that explosion! Why are you still alive!"

"I told you that wouldn't get away from him." Stella said with a mocking tone elbowing him in the stomach forcing him to let her go. "I just played victim so he could get a bit of exercise. He doesn't get usually get to move around much." With Stella in the safety of the grandmasters the big human quickly snatched the monster right off the ground engulfing him with his massive hand. "Wait! Don't kil-"


With absolutely no remorse the human had crushed the scrawny monster pleads. Blood stained the ground as the monster looked at the human with shocked eyes still barely alive. "He needs to work on his throw anyway." Stella said as her and the fairies watched him pull back his massive arm and threw the monster thousands of kilometers away from their position.

Diamond, Hamitha, and Gores all looked up at the towering figure that blocked the sun. Still very weary that he could switch any moment they had to be ready for anything he may have tried. "Relax," Stella said, "he's not going to attack you even after what you did to him."

"Stella! Do you have any the slightest clue who this is?! This is the human who killed hundreds of giants at their capital! Not too mention all those sinking ships at the night sea, massive dead sea creatures washed up on shores, towns being demolished! Everyone is on edge thanks to him!"

"I know, I was there when all that happened." Stella simply said making all three grandmasters gasp at the same time. "Onboard those ships were more of those monsters having hundreds of different races stolen from their homes so we sank them and help the races get home safely. Those massive sea creatures were dead because they attacked us so I could call that self defense. And those towns were monsters who had taken over. Diamond, of all fairies I didn't think you would be this detached from the world."

"You need to understand child! We must worry about our people not anyone elses! It's how the world stays balanced." Diamond said looking over at Gores and nodded her head towards him. He already knew what she was referring too and placed unbreakable barrier around Stella who grew furious and started pounding the wall. "This is for your own good."

Gores also placed an unbreakable barrier around the large human before he even got the chance to retaliate. "Child, I am so sorry that this curse by that dreaded witch was placed on you. But, I see that even under her curse your friendship with Stella is far more powerful then Dawn's. I am now going to send you very far away from Fairy Tree and you are never to come back."

Stella screamed at the top of her lungs, "stop! leave him alone! I known him for eight years and not one single time has he attacked! You saw what he's capable of and your attacks had no effect on him! Don't you think if he really wanted too he would have killed us all?!"

Diamond grimaced at Stella knowing she didn't understand the potential threat he had posed towards Fairy Tree. Whirling up her hands slowly fifteen times before she touched the unbreakable barrier in which the large human had completely disappeared from the land leaving Stella lost for words. Gores then freed Stella from the box and the first thing she did was attack Gores with raging fist which had no effect on him. "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! My only friend that understood me and saved me and you still sent him away!"

"Yes, I sent him across the world towards the black sea. Tomorrow, we will be forcing him into the black sea. With him gone it will surely buys us enough time to find Dawn and put a stop to this before she makes more like him. Can't you see child! He's a monster! Nothing more nothing less!"

Stella furiously stomped away from Diamond who tried to consult her. "Why would Dawn wait eight years to attack? Did you ever think about that?" With that she left all three grandmasters to watch her fly away from their current location.

"Foolish fairies...." a loud cackle of laughter erupted from a dark cave. "I will show you why we witches are the superior race!" More laughter came until it slowly got lower and lower until silence came again.

"Human X... don't fail me."

Over at the shores of the Black Sea, the human's eyes turned deep red. Placing hands against on either side of him. He begun to push, push, push, and push until the walls started to crack. Veins pulsed out his arm as continued to push. Eventually, a barrier known to be unbreakable was beginning to crack from his monstrous strength alone. With one great push, the human had broke out of the barrier finally being able to relax. Over to his left he watched as the calm black sea water washed ashore hitting his feet. Then, he turned back forward sensing the direction of power coming this way along with Stella's great aura. He balled his fist as he knew what was going to be happening soon. A great battle was about to commence and this battle, without a doubt will shake the very sea.