The Hundred

On the outskirts of Herrera Village, an abandoned old villa loomed beneath the shadows of the long mountain ranges, peacefully resisting time and the extreme weather conditions of the North. Time and the never-ending snow piled on top of its ceiling, trying its best to kill and destroy the remaining of its architectural splendor. Those battered towering spires and peaked rooftops were an undeniable proof of its past magnificence, but also a forlornly yearn for life and a daily struggle against the heavens.

Once, this grand mansion served as the abode of a prominent noble family, descendants of the Royal Bloodline of Stahl and responsible for managing the trade of all Cold Iron of Herrera. However, as the iron mines dried up, so did their fortune and their extravagant lifestyle, leading to their gradual decline and their disappearance from the village, running away towards the capital.