
Unbeknownst to Henry and Leier, mighty waves had begun to stir the borderlands of Stahl, with the potential to reshape this small part of the North. The war between the three kingdoms was on the brink of eruption.

"I'm sorry, my liege. It's impossible" - Leier said, turning her gaze toward the man sitting by the door, with the doll's head at his side, while leaning against the hard wall covered in a thin layer of ice.

She had helped her king settle there, while she tried to push open the heavy stone doors. Henry could only sit with his eyes closed, taking deep and loud breaths, which Leier could clearly hear from where she stood.

"Let me give it a try" - Henry said, using his trembling hands and legs to lift himself to his feet, fast enough to not give Leier time to assist him. He still couldn't bring himself to look directly at her face, a feeling that he shouldn't harbor for a person that saved him.
