
When the sun began to set, Luther led the soldiers into the dense forest at the edges of the White Merchant Road. He wanted them to rest and be at their best for the upcoming fight, even though they weren't tired. The General wanted them to be ready for the upcoming battle on the horizon.

The thousand soldiers didn't set up any tents. Instead, they only relied on the warmth of crackling bonfires to fend off the cold of the night. They had to move fast on the next morning and couldn't risk delaying their mission. Luther sat against a tree where his horse was tethered, not bothering with the snow's chill underneath him as he observed the soldiers huddling around the fires. They were chatting and sharing food, as if everything was only a casual picnic.

"This is what I need…no fear." - Luther murmured in satisfaction, before his eyes shifted towards the White Merchant Road.