Unpredictable Factor

The heat generated by the explosion created a thin mist that covered the vision of those on top of the walls, making it difficult to see the aftermath of the ballistae attack.

"We missed four of them" - Iosif regretfully stated, his eyes shifting toward a soldier behind the ballistae before shaking his head - "Forget it; it's not their fault. This is a new weapon devised by our king, so it's expected to take some time to train and get used to it." 

Iosif crossed his arms and shouted - "Charge the Ballistae! Archers, take your aim!" 

The archers, even unable to see through the mist obeyed the orders. They lifted their bows and knocked another arrow, positioning themselves with their bows aimed to the skies. The mist began to slowly settle down, allowing the archers to discern a few limping and crawling figures within it. These figures' painful screams were suffocated by the layer of snow and air.