Captain Zahra

As the sun set and the moon's gentle glow shone across the land, casting shadows all over, Henry's voice cut through the air - "Spread the word" - he commanded, his eyes fixed on the horizon - "We make camp here tonight. Tomorrow, we march to Mirante for supplies."

In a few minutes, the ten thousand-strong army came to seamless coordinated halt, without disturbing the orderly lines. Soon, tents were raised and the comforting glow of bonfires illuminated the faces of weary soldiers, warding off the chill of the night and offering a chance for a hot meal.

Around one such fire, a small group of soldiers sat huddled, their bowls of steaming food cradled in their hands. A mix of anxiety and anticipation covered their faces - "Dig in" - a long dark-haired woman said - "We won't have such comforts once the real battle begins."