The mages and Olaro

Luther stayed behind in Mirante to oversee preparations before marching off to war. He had to select the groups that would rotate and also build up a good logistic to support the war. On the other hand, Henry made the decision to depart for Aritreia on the very same day. Time was of the essence, and he had already delayed this war for far too long.

The White Merchant Road, created by the ancestors of Stahl, stretched from the capital to unknown parts of the North, whose domains were once under Stahl's reign. It connected both Aritreia and Luak, possibly extending to kingdoms even farther south. After years of disuse, the road had succumbed to nature, with snow and vegetation reclaiming it. The last human presence witnessed by these roads was during Aritreia's invasion of Stahl, not a single soul set their foot on it for a year or more.