Conquering Aritreia

Six days later, Henry was mounted on his horse, leading a powerful force of dwarves, humans, and barbarians that marched behind him. The army made its way through the peaceful but eerie Screaming Valley, where bone-like trees cast long shadows over the snow as a weak sunlight shone upon them. Their heavy steps left deep and chaotic trails as they moved steadily forward.

"Descendant, we'll be arrivin' in two days" - Yngvi said, his voice carrying a hint of unease despite his efforts to sound confident.

Henry glanced over at the dwarf, who clung tightly to Olaro's back as they rode together. Yngvi held an ancient map of the Screaming Valley that had been passed down through generations and generations of chief dwarves, a relic from the days when humans first invaded the valley, kidnapping the a few of them and stealing their works before disappearing hundreds of years ago.