Henry sat alone in his study, leaning over his desk as his gray eyes scanned the pages of a thick, worn tome. Luna had tossed him this book without much thought, she had taken it from the body of a mage during the recent siege, but lost interest when she saw it contained fire magic.
To Henry, however, the book was a treasure. Its pages were filled with hundreds of unfamiliar symbols, and he spent hours trying to decipher them. He was so absorbed in the tome that he barely noticed time passing.
Suddenly, three firm knocks on the door broke the silence and his concentration.
"Come in," Henry called, leaning back to rub the tension in his temples. The door swung open with a low creak. Luther stepped inside, his heavy boots thudding against the stone floor. His broad shoulders steady as always.
"You should take a break, Luther" - Henry said with a faint smile - "I can almost hear you walking more softly than usual, or maybe my hearing's getting sharper."