
A happy kid is running in a forest full with joy. This kid has crimson hair and bright red eyes and he looked like he is ten years old. The kid was of course Syre Laxon.

The forest was beautiful it has different kind of trees. The trees were unique on their own ways like one tree has bright purple leaves while the wood is pitch black. Another tree even has cyan colored leaves with weird cyan colored patterns on the wood. Some trees in the forest are hundreds of meters in height. On one tree there is a huge purple snake slithering around on the branche of the tree.

The ten year old kid is not even worried about the snake and kept running.

"Hey wait up little bro"

"yeah stop running little bro" Two people had said that while running after the little kid. These two people are of course Leo and Romeo.

" I can't stop running I am just too excited because for the first time I am allowed to go to the forest with mom and dad's permission" the boy exclaimed with happiness written on his face and his red eyes starts to glow"

"Yeah but it can be extremely dangerous in the forest and you are not ready yet to face the magical beasts in this forest".

"That is right you can not cast magic properly yet so you need to stick close by us" The duo exclaimed with a worried look.

" But I am capable of fighting I am very good with weapons" Syre pouted

"That is not good enough bro the beasts in the forest are magical. You can not just slice them with your sword without magic it would not do anything" Romeo said with a strict face.

"Fine you win I can't have any fun" Syre started to mumble but just when he turned around to go to his brothers. Syre hears a weird sound nearby him. He then looked around the forest.


A massive 5 meter long wolf jumped behind a tree it has pitch black fur glowing red eyes full of bloodlust. It is looking at syre as if he is his prey. Syre took a step back but as the massive wolf start to growl at Syre. Syre stumbled on the ground with fear. Syre looked at the wolf with horror. You could see the fear in Syre's eyes.

" Watch out little brother!" one of the brothers said.

The wolf started to move to Syre and Syre started to panic in his head while he tried to grab his sword by his side that his father made him,but it was too late the massive black wolf started to produce black magical aura from his body. The wolf moved so fast to Syre that you could see his black after images while he was on the move. The wolf appeared before Syre ,while his big claw appeared before Syre's face to rip his head off.

" It is over Syre his life gone in an instance he could not even kill a single magical beast. Is this really it sorry mom, dad and big brothers it seems that I am leaving this world without making you guys proud" syre thought.


Syre heard something clash with metal and when he looked up he was stunned.

"Don't you dare hurt our little brother while we are here!"

"Yeah that is right our mom would have gone insane if something had happened to little bro" the duo exclaimed together.

I saw two big swords before me forming a x shape protecting me from the beast's claw. The wolf started to back down from my brothers and me. It started to look at us and was calculating his options. This wolf is by no means dumb his eyes is shining full of intelligence and of course also with bloodlust quite scary indeed. While the wolf started to assess his situation my brothers started to form a battle position if the wolf truly start on attacking them they will be ready. As the duo starting to prepare to attack the black wolf. They started to hear more sounds around them.




"multiple wolves sounds"

They looked around themselves and a pack of black wolves are surrounding them.

" Ah shit we are surrounded we are in big trouble now!"

"Damn it this situation is really dire" The brothers then looked at their little brother who looked afraid. The big brothers nod at each other.

" Syre we have a mission for you we want you to get mom and dad so they can help us" Romeo said with a smile on his face.

"No way I am not leaving you guys behind what if you guys get hurt!" Syre said while tears were forming on his face.

" Don't worry Syre we can handle ourselves. You would only get in the way so please trust us." Leo said with a stern face.

Syre looked at the wolf that first attacked him he noticed that he had a nasty scar on his forehead and that he is bigger than the rest of his pack. "He must be the alpha" Syre thought. Syre then looked at his brothers both had a stern expression on their face but he could see they were almost pleading him to go.

" Alright I will go but promise me you guys will stay alive" Syre said

" I promise"

" Roger that" the duo said.

Syre than ran to his home

While Leo's sword starting burning and Romeo's sword was covered in wind. Then the duo jumped in the direction of the wolves.

20 minutes later

Syre arrived home...

"Mom , dad quick ,big brothers ,danger, Wolves surrounded" Syre said out of breath.

Jasmine and Henry instantly reacted. Henry picked Syre up and said "Where are we going".

Syre pointed at the direction and the three family members were running into the forest.

battle location...

When they arrived at the battle. The saw a horrible scene 30 dead big black wolves are laying on the ground. When the family saw the duo they were horrified. Two bodies shredded to pieces laying on the ground.

" No no no my precious baby boys" The wife started to yell hysterical while crying.

The father was in shock but you could see a lot of tears spilling out of his eyes.

The little one layed down in front of the corpses starting crying horribly.

"you guys promised me big brothers please wake up this horrible joke is over" Syre said in despair while he remembered the goofy faces of his brothers.

While this tragedy was going on dark red magic starting to leap out of Syre...