exploring time

Senna I am going to make a meal do you want something as well!" I asked her after our intimate time together.

"Sure I love to and Sy I think a man that can cook is an extremely sexy man" Senna said with an aroused look.

" Oh yeah than I better cook everyday" I said with a shy and teasing face.

A cooking session later…

" Mmmmhhhmmm thy can make delicious food this is amazing" senna exclaimed in delight while she is enjoying my cooking.

" Thanks if you live in the forest for a while you need to learn how to cook and I helped my mom with cooking a lot" I explained.

" Thy parents are they still…"

" Oh yes they still are living I promise them to be back with the head of the wolf that killed my brothers" I said with a sad smile while I thought of my brothers.

" I am sure thy can do it thy are strong Syre!" Senna said to cheer me up.

" Thanks Senna even it will be good to kill that wolf. I already know that it is more important that I survive for my parents but if I see that wolf I will try to kill it so that my brothers can pass away in peace" I said with fiery eyes. When she heard that she just nodded at me with a smile.

" It is good that thy found that the path of revenge is not the best path in life. That just makes me even want thy more Sy" Senna said with joy.

" Revenge was what I lived for but I realized why my parents were so sad now. They weren't only sad for my brothers death but they also were sad because of me. It broke them how the tragedy of my brother effected me."

The door of Senna slammed open.

" Syre there you are ,the druggies they are everywhere!"

When we looked at Reggie we realized that he is on fluvla.

" Reggie are you on fluvla?" I asked him in disbelief.

" No no no I am an upstanding man I would never be a druggie" He said while he started to spin around.

Senna stared at him like he is scum.

" Now that I think about it you did leave with Lenon and his group of druggies teenagers last night" I said to him with a raised eyebrow.

" Yes but that doesn't mean I took fluvla" He denied.

We just stared at him with a blank expression.

" Then what about you guys I mean what are guys doing here alone." He said while pointing his finger at us like he was accusing us for something.

" We didn't do anything Senna was just showing her room to me Isn't that right Senna" I said with a blush.

" Yeah that is right I was just showing him my room. He still looked at us with a doubtful look.

" Look lets just get you something so we can erase the thing whatever entered your systeem" I said.

" Whatever entered my systeem is not fluvla" He denied it till the end.

" Yeah yeah lets just get you something" I said.

Some time later…

" I am as good as new I didn't know what happened to me but I am back" Reggie said with joy.

" Yes it wasn't drugs at all that you used" I said to him in a mocking way.

" Damn right I didn't use any drugs" He declared.

" Seriously how thick skinned are you" Senna and I both thought at the same time.

time to leave for the caves…

"Senna are you certain you want to join us in cave exploring it is very dangerous you know" I said to her in concern.

" I am certain these wolves aren't just thy problem it is also the village problem we did get hurt by them" Senna said.

Reggie and I nodded at her reason.

" Alright Senna catch this" I said and I passed the skull to her.

" Since you are a healer and use wood magic the caves will be a bit more dangerous for you then us ,so the defense mechanism of the skull will be extremely handy for you" I explained to her.

" Are thy guys sure?" She asked.

" Senna we both trained hard to defeat these wolves if they still defeat us than that is just embarassing" I said and we smiled at her.

She nodded at us while her emotions were showing of pure joy and happiness.

" If things come to worse we will throw Reggie at the wolves for bait".

"Oi" Reggie shouted in a funny way.

Senna laughed at that and wiped her tears away.

At the mountain range blue zone…

" This place still looks as gloomy as ever" Reggie said while looking at the depressed Trees and grass.

" I see what thy mean this place doesn't have positive air to it".

" Yep this place looks like an evil hideout from some demented villain" I said while I am observing the zone.

" I already want to return to the village they gave off a happy vibe" Reggie complained.

" Yeah right you/thy just want some more fluvla" we both thought at the same time.

" Enough complaining we have to find some keys after all and figure the grand mystery of the mountain range out".

After a while…

"We finally reached a cave that has a uncomfortable gloomy feeling. The gloomy feeling is just big enough so I am satisfied with this cave and it seems as a good cave to start with for Senna's first time.

In the cave…

"Wow the cave is so pretty inside!" Senna said while she looked at the glowing shrooms.

" The caves were even more pretty a few months ago but then we took the skull. The shrooms appeared in all the colors now it only appears in gloomy dark colors" I explained.

"Really I love to see that one day" she said.

We walked further down and we reached the platform of the cave.

We expected a few blue wolves but what waited for us astounded us.

Before us appeared a pack of blue wolves. I swear I counted atleast twenty of them!