cold fight 5

I stared at the wolves eyes with determination...

I took my sword in my hand and got ready for the fight. I channeled my aura through my body. I focused some of my aura on the frost part of my body. The cold decreased to some degree but I could still feel the cold running through my body. Atleast I can move my body now without trembling from the cold.

The wolves focused their gaze on me they probably didn't expect me to stand up.

We stared at each other with an intense expression on our faces.

We prepared for our death match that is coming...

Reggie pov...

I hit the wolf on his leg but sadly he has frozen his wound up. We continued our crazy fight me basically spamming my arrow magic while the wolf is constantly dodging. His movements did change a bit since I hit him. I guess he is forced to change his movement since I hit him on his leg.

The white wolf jumped more than before. He probably doesn't want to run a lot because of his injury. When I noticed this I tried to force him to run. I hoped that I will get some kind of opening from the wolf. Sadly I didn't get an opening at all I feel like the wolf got more wary of me since I injured his leg.

What is more weird is I noticed that he tries to attack me with his claws that is made of ice. When did this wolf even had ice claws I swear I didn't see them before.

While I was trying to think of a new tactics of some sort...


I heard an explosion far away.

" That must be the others fighting their wolf damn it I need to finish this fight so that I can help my comrades" I thought.

I looked around me and I see some ice pillars and big rocks of ice. Then as if everything is clear to me I got an amazing idea. I looked at the wolf and thought" Time to change our cat and mouse game". I started to spam my arrows at the werewolf. The werewolf has to move around the arrows. I started to jump on the rocks and moved around the ice pillars.

In my head I thought" maybe I can find some opening if I do something differently than our usual routine of attacking and dodging.

After doing this new method I noticed that it has some effect on the wolf. It looked like his attacks is getting more random.

I jumped on one big rock and I quickly jumped off the rock since I see the wolf getting close to me but then something happened.

The wolf punched the rock hoping to hit me but an ice blast came out of his fist and destroyed the rock ,while you could hear a boom sound in the cave.

" What the actually hell was that!!!" I thought in my head. The wolf started to look at me when he realized that he actually didn't punch me.

When I thought of the previous booom I heard in the cave I realized that the first boom must been another ice blast that attacked one of my comrades.

" Shit what if Syre or Senna got hurt. wait Senna should be fine since she got the skull shield but I don't know if Syre is fine since he is facing two of these werewolves" I thought.

I didn't have time to think properly since the wolf before me went on offense.

" Damn it Syre and Senna you better be okay" I muttered while I continued to fight my werewolf.

Senna pov...

While I managed to wound the wolf. He has frozen his shaved wounds somehow. To be honest is it okay to to freeze shaved wounds at all. I don't know but this wolf keeps attacking me while I prepared my tree attack from my arms.

I did it at an slower pace than before since I am still recovering my magic but that didn't really matter since the wolf has horrible shaved wounds it got luckily a bit slower. I also noticed that their is Ice stuck on thy werewolves paws. Was it always there?

Alright if I can finish this wolf off I can help Reggie and Sy with their wolf or in Sy case wolves I guess.

Just when I was planning my next attack...


I heard an explosion in the distance.

" Okay what was that" I thought with concern. I hoped that Sy or Reggie are okay. That explosion really made me worried about my companions since I don't know what in Azura names that is".

The shaved wolf got near me to attack me but luckily the skull shield will protect me. Atleast that is what I thought would happen of course something happened what I didn't expect. When the icy claw collided with the skull shield an explosion came out of the claw and it shattered the shield. I am stunned the shield actually shattered.

" Unbelievable" I muttered to myself in disbelief before I had time to comprehend what actually happened. I am forced to move away from my spot for the first time. The wolf soon realized that my shield is down. Luckily for the shaved wounds I could react to the wolf's speed. I quickly backed away hoping that the shield could reform itself while I attacked the wolf with my nature magic.

I see the red shield slowly forming again but it is not fast enough because the wolf attacked me again.

Out of pure instinct I launched myself into the air with my nature magic to avoid the wolf.

While I am in the air I thought" I hope Sy and Reggie have survived these ice explosions".