
The person that joined us in our little breakfast is Reggie.

" I knew you two would be here again alone with each other. Do you two have something to tell me" Reggie asked with curiosity.

Senna and I looked at each other and then I said" No we are just really good friends".

We don't have any problem with revealing our relationship but we want to know how long it takes for Reggie to figure it out and it is fun to hide our relationship for a reason I don't really know.

" Right but anyway I hanged out with Lenon and his little gang of druggies to ask how the village was when we left for a few days. Lenon said that the village noticed that we were gone and that the village didn't just felt the same especially with Senna gone. The kids were especially not happy when we were gone" Reggie explained.

" The kids are our little angels what do you expect" I answered with a warm smile while Senna also smiled at my comment.

Anyway after this conversation we started to eat my breakfast that I have made. Reggie is impressed with my cooking skills he said that it is one of the most amazing breakfast he had.

We started to chat about the villagers and the village finally we finished preparing to go outside.

We walked outside and nodded at the villagers that walked past us. The villagers nodded at us back with a kind smile. When we arrived at the training grounds of the village we were stunned. The kids of the villagers are working on their own without anyone telling them to do so. When we saw this we had a smile on our faces. The kids see us walking to them.

" Big bros and big sis!" The kids shouted with excitement as they sprinted to us. I even see little Hana running to me with a sword that is too big for her I just found that too adorable.

When Senna saw Hana she could not help herself and picked Hana up. She kissed Hana on her cheek while Hana has a joyful expression on her face. Seeing those two together gave me a warm feeling.

"So you kids take training very serious huh I didn't even need to tell you to train" I said impressed.

" Well that is because when thy guys left the village we really missed thy guys and we just wanted to train and after thy speech about protecting the village motivated us more with protecting our village" One of the older kids answered to me.

" It is good to hear you guys taking your training very serious now I don't have to worry in the future since there will be strong men and women protecting this village" I said.

" Yeah if you work hard enough you might become as powerful as your uncle Reggie here" Reggie said while doing a ridiculous pose.

" No I don't want to be like uncle Reggie he is weird. I want to be like big sis and big brother Syre they are awesome" One kid shouted.

Reggie choked on the comment of the kid and got a bit depressed.

Senna and I chuckled at Reggie's position with the kids.

I clapped my hands and said"anyways lets see your training shall we. I am very excited to see how far you kids are in your training".

The kids are very excitement with this since they want to impress us.

When I see their sword stance I am impressed ,because unlike before when they showed difficulties swinging the sword they now showed that they could swing a sword properly of course they still could improve but they are a lot better than before.

Reggie is observing the kids with a serious face while Senna is helping Hana with everything. I found it just too cute when Senna is helping Hana.

Basically I am happy with the progress the kids made with their training.

The adults looked at us with a happy expression and just were glad that we are back.

After we wrapped up the training the kids went back home Senna and I decided to drop of Hana home.

When we walked Hana home I held one of Hana's hand while Senna held her other hand.

" So did you enjoy training" I asked Hana.

" Yes even if it is very difficult big sis Senna helped me out. I want to protect big sis and big bro" She exclaimed.

" Hey don't worry about it I am supposed to protect you not the other way around" I said while ruffled her hair. Hana showed me a happy smile. Senna smiled and said' Yeah that is right don't worry about us we will protect you and I am sure you will grow up as a strong woman".

When another person would look at us they would have thought that we are a small happy family.

We arrived at Hana's home and we knocked on the door. A small old kind woman opened up the door. " Ah Hana there you are and you brought guests come in everyone" She said.

I don't want to intrude mam" I said.

" No no it is completely fine you brought my granddaugther to me and I am an old lady that can use a little company or else I will become lonely. We nodded at her explanation and went in.

We went in a room with chairs and that is filled with plants and other weird nature things.

We all sat on a chair.

" So are you a healer or somekind miss..."

" Zelva this is miss Zelva Syre and yes she is the second healer of the village. If I am busy the villagers come to her" Senna explained.

" That is right young man I am a healer but I like to think I am just a grandmother who loves her granddaugther" She said with a kind smile.

" I don't think that is difficult since Hana is such a sweet little angel" I said.

The old lady smiled because of my comment and said " Oh that is right I need to thank you guys since you take care of little Hana I really appreciate it".

" Oh it is no problem at all lady Zelva" Senna added while a sleeping Hana is on her lap. I nodded at lady Zelva and signaled to her that it is okay.

" But still I really appreciate it since Hana is a lot happier now because of you guys. Sadly I am too old and can't do a lot of things little children can do. Hana understand that but deep down she wants to go out and do stuff outside ,but now you guys are here she can do that and made some friends even with her sad past. Now Hana is not lonely anymore and I don't have to worry anymore."

We nodded at her with a sad smile.

We prepared to go but then a few villagers came through the door carrying a very injured villager.