gold cave

We have been hunting caves for one month now...

At a campfire...

Three figures were sitting around the campfire.

" We have been hunting golden caves for a long time now and we still not have found the third skull" Reggie complained.

" Oh stop thy whining Reggie we all have been frustrated for not finding the cave" Senna replied to Reggie.

" I don't know I haven't complained yet I mean the more wolves we kill the safer the mountain range gets right" I said while I shrugged my shoulders.

" That is because you are a battle freak and you actually enjoy a battle to the death. I saw your terrifying grin when you fought those golden wolves" Reggie commented.

" Do I really have a grin when I fought those wolves?" I asked Reggie out of curiosity.

" Yes thy do when thy fought those golden wolves thy looked like that thy birthday have arrived early" Senna commented.

"Hmmmm I never knew that anyway lets get some sleep" I said while I lay down with my blanket.

When I looked at the beautiful sky I thought of my mother and father. My parents are still waiting for me to arrive home I am nearly 18 now. I want to introduce them to my friends and I wonder what my parents think about my relationship with Senna.

" Soon" I muttered to myself while while I pictured a small cozy home and fell asleep.

Few days later...

" Ah we have explored too many caves I miss the village" Reggie whined again while tears streamed down his face.

" Stop it Reggie we need to keep going and end this wolf thing I don't want little Hana be in danger to some stupid wolf because we were too lazy to find a damn cave" Senna replied with determination while she thought of a helpless Hana that she could not save.

" Think of the bright side we got more experience at fighting golden wolves and that means we will get stronger" I said the last part with joy.

" Whatever I hope we just find that stupid cave soon" Reggie muttered.

As if the gods had heard Reggie complaining we found an odd cave one hour later.

We stared at an odd looking entrance.

Weird golden letters were written outside the cave. It looked odd as if the cave is inviting us to go inside it but I know better. I could see the danger lurking in the cave. We could feel the power coming out of the cave. The power is trying to suppress our magic luckily it didn't work well since we fought so many golden wolves that we managed to built some resistance of the suppression.

We looked at each other before we walk in the cave that might be our end.

We walked in together.

The cave inside is yellow themed with golden glowing crystals in them.

I already know not to touch the golden crystals since I know now what the icy glowing crystals can do to you.

We walked further down the cave. Deep down the cave you can see golden mushrooms they are probably the most beautiful glowing shrooms I have seen. This cave was similar build as the previous two skull cave and lucky for us Senna can now use her nature magic with full potential because the floor is not made of thick ice.

We eventually walked in a dome that had huge golden crystal pillars. In the middle of the cave we saw four big golden statues of werewolves. They looked like they were made of solid gold "amazing" I whispered to myself.

Without even saying something to each other we walked to the golden statues. We already know what we are doing we are fully prepared for this cave.

The cave entrance behind us closed down when we entered. If I had looked around I would have noticed that the door of the cave entrance also looked like it was made of gold.

When we appeared near the statues we see some cracks forming on the statues. Golden aura started to gather around the four big werewolf statues.

More and more golden aura gathered around the statues I could even see some golden sparks on the golden aura.

" Booooommm!!!" A golden shockwave hit us and when we looked back a massive white golden cloud appeared on the place where the werewolf statues are.

We already are in our combat stance since we know what exactly is going to happen.

The cloud cleared up and we see four huge golden werewolves in front of us. What I noticed from these golden werewolves are their eyes. Their eyes were glowing with a golden color and I swear I could see golden sparks in their eyes.

The wolves howled but their cry didn't sound of sadness no this cry sound more like rage, puur rage.

I had my hands on my sword and then in one dash I approached a werewolf. Most of the time we wait for the wolf to attack us to find a weakness but that takes too long so we decided to attack ,so that we can find their weaknesses faster.

Reggie used his arrows to see the speed of the werewolves while Senna used her tree magic to distract them. The werewolves dodged their attacks with ease.

I on the other hand drew my sword and used super strike extremely quickly.

It hit one of the wolves straight on his chest but Syre didn't have anytime to celebrate since one of the wolves attacked me with his claws. I instantly reacted to the wolf's attack and managed to block it with my sword but a golden blast came out of the claw. The blast sent me flying luckily Senna caught me with her nature magic.

"Thanks Senna you are my heroïne" I said a little bit with a tease. Her mouth twitched a bit but then she got serious again and focused on the battle. I wasn't any different we prepared our next attack.