
Section 63: Kyle and Marionette

"We can save our sisters?" Tristan looked at me with a strange look. "Aria, you're bluffing right?".

I shook my head, this time with more conviction. Although, for this plan to work out I need Caleb reports from the watchdog. Caleb has their eyes on us from the beginning, he's sending some teenagers in the tall building for the lookout. I have confirmed this with Caleb himself, if my prediction were true then they should camp out near Caleb's base.

"They can choose to infiltrate here through sewers, but they didn't use that shortcut" I rubbed my chin as I walked back and forth in rhythm. "Then he's being cautious about something".

"Like what?" Joel inquired. 

"Superpowers, 'Wish' and 'Maker'" I added. "He's scared of the people in here, thinking that he's a dead meat if he infiltrates unannounced".

"Oh, that" Caleb sighed. "Right, he experimented on us".