
Section 174: Blank Slate

My lips trembling in coldness, my body feels so weak after what the mastermind did to me. I am once again strapped on the bed, the earlier imageries must be my earlier memories of when I was a child. The mastermind did that since the man seems to be the key, he was the one who locks my memories away.

I am in a room, seemingly a bedroom of some sort. The mastermind sits across me, with his back facing me. The darkness in the room blocks my vision to identify the mastermind. He's currently tinkering with his small laptop, that's when it suddenly hits me. My suspicion is correct all this time.

Assumingly that he doesn't have any doppelganger that is, it's time for the cat out of the bags. Using my power doesn't seem to work on these straps, it's a strap made by a chain. No wonder it irritates my skin. The mastermind realizes I am awakened, the man then speaks in his voice changer voice.