"I want our relationship to be more serious, do you want it or not? But wait for you to realize then I get the answer, honey, I can't wait to eat it, you realize again, I think you're a sleeping princess, you want to sleep on, yes you are a little princess to me so you wake up quickly yes "while kissing her forehead

"Unfortunately he said we were schooled online," the class started, I deliberately entered the afternoon school so that it was more free to be with him even though he was often with him but never bored with our relationship. We are about to go to 1 year new year, we are already graduating now again ahead of the exam. very strict makes us very much left behind, but more so now he hasn't realized how he wants to do, the teacher still understands but the test will be too late for me. it must be submitted, the time is near but I haven't finished in this one question, luckily all the questions I finished in 30 seconds resignedly answered them, finished everything immediately I ritual bathed for me all tired bodies immediately disappeared. After taking a shower, I immediately wiped my hands, feet and face, and his lips were moistened with water, "You're fresh, honey, I'm hungry, I'm hungry" I ate heartily suddenly my cellphone sounded my friend Andi.


"I already have a boyfriend, I've forgotten friends, OK?"


"wait I don't think it's at your house"

"yeah he's in the hospital cu"

"hah I went to the hospital again, even though I just got tired, I forced my job"

"Hey this time it's a week that we wanted to break up, still almost but now it's getting better, luckily"

"Gile, you guys are really great, almost broke up again, why?"

"like ema ema arisan even more"

"But how come he has been conscious for a long time, so it's been a week"

"Oh yes, he didn't tell us a few days. We thought he had a girlfriend. We forgot that he was admitted to the hospital, if he did. Yes, it's been a week, maybe the work doesn't work like usual, so that's okay. you two want to go to college? "

"Look at the situation, if you have work, you don't have to go to college because it's a shame, right?"

"Yes, if he is"

"Maybe he wants to, but I will not allow him to go to college like this. I'm really tired, if he wants to go to college again"

"But don't be selfish like that, if he wants to go to college, it's okay, the important thing is that the work doesn't look like this. Over time, the illness comes out again"

"what disease does he have"

"you'll know"

"I tell you something is okay or not"

"Yes, I asked permission, everything was very polite, sir, what have you been talking about earlier?"

"I'm talking yes"

"hmmm I want to apply him after he realized then healed"

"Gile gile plan when?"

"Just in the new year I applied but for those of you who made it, I could not understand it if I understand"

"Tomorrow, by the way, I have a girlfriend already"

"Who did weh why didn't say it wasn't taught, it means don't tell people times"

okay this time

Sorry, the publication will be messy, the schedule is not sure because it is very busy for the past few months

happy tuesday

happy reading