A Concert?!

I sighed sadly, "I'm sorry, we had lost our way around. It's a big estate, you know? But I heard a scream? Where did that come from?"

The guard laughed, "Do you think I'm a fool? I had been watching you both for a long time. You both are sneaking out aren't you?" 

Adrien gulped, "So you saw me create that trail?"

The guard nodded proudly, holding him tighter. Adrien laughed, surprising us both. 

"Adrien!" I whispered. Why was he laughing when we were just caught?

He looked up at the face of the guard, "Why didn't you just inform the others right then? You would have been saved if you did."

The guard frowned, "Saved? Me? From what?"

Adrien smirked, "From this." And he pounced upward, his teeth bared and bit the guard's neck. Hard. The guard didn't scream but he fell to the floor from the harsh impact. Adrien stood over him and curled his hands into fists before landing exactly one punch on the guard's face and he fell unconscious. 

"Woah…" I breathed, "You took him out with just one punch? He looked pretty strong though."

Adrien rubbed his neck sheepishly, "It's the blood. The more I intake, the more my attributes get enhanced. In this case, Attack."

I would have awed at that fact only if the blood flowing from the guard's neck didn't fall into my sight. I covered my face and looked the other way, "Ah, Adrien! His neck!"

Adrien turned around and crouched in front of him and placed a hand on his neck before I heard him mutter something. When he got back up again, the wound disappeared. 

"How…how did you do that?"

"It's something I picked up from the mages back in the game. I wasn't normally supposed to learn the spell, but for some reason, I could. It's the only spell I know."

I was awestruck. All the things in the game worked perfectly in the real world…how was that even possible? It was almost like this was a game in itself. The line between fantasy and reality was blurring more and more every day. 

I saw the guards follow the blood trail and almost reach the garage. I beckoned to him, "Okay, come on now, or we'll lose the chance."

We ran faster this time and jumped over the gate with a little trouble on my side. It was only when we were on the street that I could finally breathe. 

I turned to him and grabbed his hand and placed it on my neck, "Okay we're safe now. So heal my wound too."

He hesitated and I pouted sadly, "Why won't you heal me?"

His voice cracked and he refused to look at my wound, "Your scent…it's too nice. I don't want to close it up."

I pressed his hand harder on to my neck, "I'll let you drink my blood later. Now close it up quickly."

His eyes sparkled at me, "You'll let me drink your blood? But aren't we on bad terms?"

"That's exactly why I'm allowing you. You'll have to come close to me to drink my blood. We'll be on good terms automatically that way."

He tried not to smile and kept a straight face now, "But I'm still angry with you."

"I know…and I can't say I'm sorry, that would be stupid now. But how are you so calm about all this? Knowing that you aren't completely human?"

He looked up at the stars and met my eyes again, "I guess we six always had a feeling that we weren't completely a part of the real world. So we're robots…no surprise. It's cool having powers anyway," he laughed nervously.

My heart panged at seeing him like this. I tried to hold back tears and looked around, "So. Which way?"

We walked for a while and the day started to get darker and darker. The streets were even more crowded and we passed in front of shops and huge buildings. I watched Adrien's expressions change as his jaw dropped at the sight. 

"It wasn't like this 10 years ago…" he whispered, looking down at me. I smiled and assured him that a lot of things could happen in 10 years. 

We walked into a huge cheering crowd and he looked around, "Why are they making so much noise?"

I frowned and tried to jump and get a view above the many heads to see what was going on, "I don't know. Maybe we should take a detour to get away from the crowd."

"But it seems important! Otherwise why would so many people gather around in one place?" 

He tried to jump and look too, but the crowd was too thick. I started to feel suffocated now. The crowd was getting to me. The heat, the noises. My head burned and I bent down, feeling another hidden memory threatening to pop out. 

I widened my eyes, "What…is happening to me?" 

Adrien was oblivious to this and frowned, "Ashe, do you want to get on my back and check what's going on?"

Hearing his curious voice, I instantly calmed down and suppressed the memory for a while and smiled. I had never seen him this interested in anything before.

Seeing no other way out from this crowd of people and traffic of cars, I nodded. He laughed and bent down, asking me to climb on to his back. I tried to get on as gently as possible and gasped when he stood up straight. 

My hands gripped his neck tightly and I lifted my chin to look.

"So," he groaned, strained by my weight, "What do you see?"

"Hmmm…." I looked harder and spotted a lighted stage with a bunch of fancily dressed boys with ripped jeans and a couple of them wore long silver earrings with dazzling makeup. I gasped again, almost falling from Adrien's back, "No wonder…"

"What is it?"

I looked down at Adrien in happiness, "It's a K-Pop concert!"