Blue Traps

Holland and Jared jumped into the Palace of the King. Their faces were normal and their stares as cold as ever. Basically, they were very good actors. The King, who was currently in the Breakfire Dimension, eyed them and curled his lips.

"Killed the girl?"

After a few seconds of silence from the Crown Prince and the commander, the King asked again, this time more persistently.

"Brought her here? I had told you that she would be the perfect slave."

Holland knelt down on one leg and bowed deeply, the black hair falling like ripped curtains over his face, "Your majesty. I couldn't kill the girl." He paused, waiting for an outburst. But the King was silent, still hoping for some good news. So the Prince continued, "But I destroyed the Beamer through which she went through. Trapping her here, in Auria, at your complete disposal."