I Leveled Up!


Her mind was fuzzy, her head floating in the middle of nowhere. She couldn't see anything. It was as if the whole time, the past, present and future had slowed down to an eerie, silent halt. 

Ashe opened her eyes. 

She was alone, in a field full of tall white flowers which swayed in the direction of her hair flying around her. She turned around in confusion, caressing the ends of her immaculate jade dress around her. The stones on it glistened in the bright sunlight. It was too bright at one point and she couldn't see.

"Adrien, is that you?" she tried again, looking all around in the white flowers for a familiar face. 

A face so fierce it will make you tremble at first sight. But when that face smiled, the colours of the world are nothing compared to it. 

She heard a heavy sigh and whipped around, "Adrien? Adrien help! I'm going to die…" She clutched her heart and ran in the direction of the sound.