Crossing The Palace

The Palace was a deserted place, unlike the similar one in Zeliar. It stood tall and shone under the bright sun that was about to cross its peak and dip into evening. 

His hair flew around his face as he looked around. Was his father really here? All he needed was to go to the crossing of the lakes. He opened up his map and checked his location. He still had to cross the entire compound of the palace to get to the opposite side. 

Holding in a breath, he emerged out of the shadows and stepped out into the compound. 

Jake screamed and covered his ears as huge gunshots rang around him. He ducked and closed his eyes. "Please don't hurt me!" 


Jake shivered as he tried to look up at where these bullets were coming from. But he couldn't. He felt a shot right next to his ear, almost missing it. He got up and started running across the compound. "System, any defence against this?" He asked desperately.