Lik-Rok War - Part 2

The next morning, Kai was the only one who wasn't enjoying breakfast. He stared at his plate in worry, barely listening to the daily chatter of his friends at the table. 

"Okay, okay, I got an idea!" Ethan placed his hand on the centre of the table to call for attention. "Hey, this is like those meets we used to hold back in Auria when we were going through the Gates of Kirkhamen," he muttered in realisation. 

Romeo let out a shiver. "Don't remind me. It took us what, like 3 days to get through that place? God, the stench…" 

Jae-suk sat up straight, "I don't regret it, though, the end destination was really nice. I doubt we have seen a more beautiful sunset even here on Earth." 

Ethan nodded, "So about my idea, now that we are all pretty and dashing, we should do a transition video between us five. Alright?"