Hungry, but not for snacks.

Back on Earth, things had taken a serious turn. Rose was out of the equation… was what Kai had initially thought. Until, the news channels started exploding with reporters screaming about the mass shooting at five different schools of the country. 

Kai sat in front of their TV, his face cupped with his hands and looking torn at the horrible sights that flashed by. Thousands of little kids with a future, all burnt to dust just by the whims of Spiders. Thousands of kids who had parents with hopes and dreams. Kids that wished to grow up and follow their heart… all extinguished. 

And on the walls of the schools, there was only one word repeating over and over again. 


Painted over and over again in black, blue and red graffiti. The entire media's attention was now turned towards them once again, and this time again under the impression that they were the one who led these mass shootings.