The Green Eyed-Monster

Saye got discharged safely and was taken to her home in a quiet manner. But it was when she did reach home and switch on the TV to see a movie that the news channel popped up on her face like a ghost. 

The remote dropped from her hand as she saw the two words written all over the walls and the names of the dead kids float past the screen in a long never ending line. Clips of crying parents and sisters and brothers rolled past and the CEO of Systema Games watched it all, not knowing what to think. 

She blinked slowly and reached for her phone. 

"Ethan? What happened while I was gone?" 

Kai had picked up the phone and sighed in relief when he heard that Saye had reached home safe. That was good, everyone in the outside world right now thought that Systema Games was also a victim of the Spiders and Death Six was on the opposite side, trying to destroy the world with the Spiders.