The Easiest Plan in the World

Kai and I made the call to Tybus together. After a few rings, he picked up. "Adrien?" 

"Tybus," I addressed him and Kai silently gasped at how I called him without the 'highness' or the 'prince.' "Is transportation ready?" 

"Err…" his hesitant voice came from the other side of the phone which followed with a frustrated glance being shared between Ethan and me. This was so last minute, don't tell me the prince messed up on this one.

"Say it." 

"The shooters are ready," Tybus said, referring to the super-speed vehicle we would be using to travel. "But we are a bit short on fuel. The shooters run on a special type of coal imported from New Zealand and today's supplies got blocked midway." 

I frowned. Coal? Why would Zeliar technology run on Earthen supplies? I asked Tybus the same.