Introducing Spiky: Ashe's P. A.

"We need to find the King." Adrien said, stepping forward. "Where do you think he will be?" 

"At the centre," Tybus replied, "The place everything can be controlled easily. And my brother is one that always goes for the easiest method." 

They walked through the dark, dreary place. Jake guided the way for a while since he had spent quite a long time in Ashe's mind, surfing through her memories and all. Monsters lurched at them from every corner, snakes tried to suffocate them and kill them. It was all a clear sign that the King was fighting back, but he also had to control the asteroid in space so his defenses were pretty stretched out and weak. Moreover, he was controlling all this from a big distance away from his room in Zeliar. It was only a matter of time till he broke down completely.