Chapter 3: The Elves and The Vampire

"What is a demon doing here?" The elf asked, studying every detail of Lareia. Long blue hair reaches down to his elbows, golden eyes as bright as the sun, pointed ears, and tanned skin, a sight to behold.

A bat flew towards the pair then magically turned into a vampire. "What brings you here, Duke Tenjie Wenster? Oh, is this a demon? Did the Tranquilians decided to work with them, to conquer us?" He sneered at him.

His red hair reaches down to his elbows, blue eyes as deep as the ocean. Pale white skin, sharp fangs, and a playful grin. He was damn hot as if he was burning with sexiness.

"I thought this filthy demon is yours, Duke Clint Nimbus," he spitted his name as if it was something disgusting. The grin disappeared from Clint's lips, and they gave each other a death glare for a couple of minutes. They were interrupted by the sudden voice coming from Lareia.

Pissed by how they see her as a filthy object that they can own, she stopped pretending to be unconscious. Silently standing up, moving a little bit away from their sight coverage, as they glare at each other, she uttered these words.

"I may be a demon, but I ain't filthy. Don't act so holy and mighty, Duke Wenster. Just because you're a white elf, it doesn't mean you're clean." Their eyes widened, and she liked their shocked expressions. Slowly, she approached the elf and placed her head right beside his left ear. "I know every nasty thing you and the people around you did. You don't want that to be spilled, don't you?"

His eyes widened more, if that was even possible, shocked about what this woman knows. Watching them, Clint stood there, confused at why he can't hear what the demon whispered to him. Vampires have a keen sense of hearing and can read the minds of humans, but it failed to catch anything this time.

As a high-level demon, Lareia can invade the mind of other creatures without anyone noticing. By making an illusion that she was whispering something, she used that opportunity to use the spell and confuse the vampire at the same time. Smirking, she moved away from him and turned to the vampire.

"I would never work with a rotten elf, Duke Clint," she stated, looking intently at Clint. He felt uncomfortable, but he kept their eyes locked, trying to fight the pressure coming from those bloody red orbs.

"I apologize for my words, lady, but you're on our territory. Are you sure that you should be rude? And seeing your state, escaping seems impossible," he said in a mocking tone, a smirk formed back to his thin lips.

Lareia's wings are broken. She has few scratches on her arms and legs, but none on her face. The lack of mana slowed down her healing ability. Unlike other creatures, her mana relies on how many cheesecakes mixed with the mana regeneration potion she ate. Having a weak body, she can't absorb the mana scattered on the surroundings; if she does, it will be her death.

Hesitant at first, she kept her cold demeanor and said, "so, what? Can you kill me?"

The two men felt offended and challenged; a smirk can be seen on their faces. Knowing this result, Lareia summoned her scythe from the anime cube, and their smug faces turned to surprised ones as they stare at the red, sharp scythe. Summoning took its toll on her body as she started panting.

As if a light bulb lighted up in Tenjie's mind, a hint of recognition flashed from his eyes, and an evil smile crept from his lips. "So, that's why you're so familiar. Silver hair, bloody red eyes, palest white skin, and a scythe user; the sin of wrath and princess of the Nether Kingdom. Seeing how you came here, it seems the rumors about your verdict is true. Tell me, princess. How should I make you suffer?" He said, taking out a dagger that is dripping with holy water.

"Don't worry; you won't have a chance to torment me." After saying those words, she swings the scythe towards them, making them lose their balance because of shock. Using this opportunity, she ran without knowing where she is heading.

After a couple of minutes of running, she stopped under a giant tree and hid behind it. Slumping down the ground, she gasped for air. Her chest tightened, and tears started to form on her orbs. After putting back her scythe to the cube, she clenched her chest tightly, as if she wants to rip her lungs out of it.

Slowly, her sight became blurry as her consciousness slipped away. Before she lost it, a figure of a man with strong arms and ears came and took her into his arms. Knowing it is useless to fight back, she let him carry her as her consciousness finally drifted away.


The bright sunlight greeted her as she slowly opened her eyes. The sun was at its peak as the sun rays went through the windows. Gradually, she sat up and leaned on the headboard as her gaze travels every part of the room. She was in a luxurious bedroom with a dark interior.

Some paintings and furniture on the walls and corners, a dressing table on the left side, and a long couch on the other side. The bed was comfortably soft; it felt as if her body would sink in satisfaction.

Out of a sudden, the door swung open, revealing a familiar elf. Her eyes squinted as she thought hard of who might that elf be. Pale white skin, white eyes, and long green hair that reaches down to his elbows. Just by his looks, he is like an angel dressed as an elf.

"I'm Valor Elfester, and you don't have to introduce yourself. My brother saved you and brought you here. You were out for a whole day," he said in a calm tone as he puts down the tray of water and some bread. "Eat first. You need it."

Hesitantly, she took it, and out of hunger, she ate all of them without knowing. Valor chuckled while watching her, making Lareia turn beet red. Embarrassed, she took a pillow to hide her face. This gesture only added to her cuteness, making Valor laughed his heart out.

"I didn't know that the cold princess can easily be embarrassed." As he said those words, it was too late for him to realize that it was offending. Lareia's face darkens, turning her gaze out to the window.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered apologetically. Lareia ignored him, as memories of the past events flashed inside her mind.

"Can I have some time alone?" she asked, water forming in her eyes, making her sight blurry.

He took out a deep sigh before nodding and left the room. As the door shuts, tears came streaming down from her orbs down to her hands.

She served the whole Nether Kingdom since the day she can remember, protected, and gave them resources. Helped her uncle rule the Kingdom and win every war, hanged out with the other sins which she treats as her only friend. And the unknown situation of her lover troubled her the most.

"What happened to him? Is he alive? I hope he is... He promised to find me and not to hurt my friends. Did he survive? Please be safe..." she thought to herself as she hugs her knees and buries her face to hide the tears.

Amid her grievance, several knocks interrupted. She wiped her tears away and put on her poker mask. "Come in," she uttered, scared that her voice might crack up.

Valor peeked from the door, "Princess Lareia? Are you alright?" he asked, worry evident in his face and tone. She forced a smile and nodded.

"What brings you back here?" She asked, a bit nervous.

"Oh, right. Do you want to walk around the mansion? Brother will come home soon," he suggested, and I only nodded. "You can take a bath first if you want."

After he left, Lareia sighed and went to the bathroom. Letting her clothes slip down from her soft skin down to the ground, she walked to the tub and took a dip.

The hot water calmed her tensed body and chaotic mind. She softly massages her hair and body as she spreads the soap in every inch of it. After rinsing, she went to the dressing room and changed into a black, medieval dress that reaches down to the floor; it hides almost every inch of her body.

She went out of the room and was greeted by the maids. Her room was on the second floor, left-wing. They guided her down to the garden, and there, Valor was waiting with a man beside him.

At first, her sight was blocked by a tree, but as she got closer, she got a better look at the man with Valor. Confused, she shifted her gaze from Valor and the man.

"How?" She wondered out loud.


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