Chapter 6: Angel and Devil

Sebastian was greeted by an injured angel the moment he landed his foot on the solid ground. He was swaying from side to side, so Sebastian quickly took hold of him. The angel fell unconscious in his arms, a hint of recognition flashed in his eyes.

"The escaped demon's lover, or should I call him the commandment of piety?" he said to himself, carrying the angel to a dark mansion inside the woods. It was nighttime, everything was dark and the only light source is the stars and the moon.

Arriving in front of the giant black oak doors, a black fire starts to spread from Sebastian's feet to the doors. Slowly, it opened, making a screeching sound. The moment he stepped in, all the torches lit, and the gloomy mansion became an astonishing one.

Corridors made out of gold and unique carvings on it, different kinds of vases, and a red carpet with golden linings. It was just a mansion, yet it is as astonishing as a palace. Butlers and maids lined up on each side of the main corridor. They all bowed down to Sebastian while a butler went forward and he gave the angel for him to carry.

"Bring him to the healing room. Tie him in case he tries to escape once he regained consciousness," Sebastian coldly stated as he continues to walk towards the stairs and slowly climbed it. His thoughts flew back to the mysterious princess and her lover, the angel.

Arriving on the second floor, he kept walking straight, down a dark corridor without any light source other than the moon from outside the windows. The cricket sounds covered the deadly silence, other humans would probably be creeped out, but not him. Sebastian may look like a human, but he is not what he seems to be.

Stopping in front of two giant doors at the end of the corridor, it swung open, revealing a room filled with gold. Everything was bright, and every furniture costs millions in human currency. Sighing, he slumped down the bed, letting his body drop on the soft, golden-colored, bed.

The softness of the bed made him feel as if he was being eaten by it, a warm and relaxing feeling.

"I should visit her in her dreams, for now. Should I warn her about the demons? Maybe." As he said those words, he cast a spell on himself, his consciousness slowly drifting away to someone else's mind.

He materialized behind some clouds, but his sight was clear as water. He can see the back of the beautiful princess. Long silver hair that reaches down to her waist, and an hourglass body covered with soft, pale white skin. Just the sight of her takes his breath away and makes his heart skip a beat. He can feel extreme hunger for her.

Shaking his head off these thoughts, he decided to have a small talk with her. He apparated in front of her, wearing his Grimm Reaper disguise. He was holding a scythe and was grinning from ear to ear. He wanted to scare her, but she only stared at him with great admiration.

Her reaction only made him happier, his heart beating rapidly. Studying her features, she looked more enchanting than the portraits. Her beautiful bloody orbs that pierce through his soul, her pale white clear skin, pointed nose, and sharp jaw, his eyes landed on her rosy red lips. He wanted to taste them, conquer her, and make her his own.

"What is this feeling? Why is my demon wanting her? I should only love Felisha and no one else!" He shrugged his demon's thoughts and only focused on his dead lover, Felisha.

After regaining his composure, he tried to intimidate her. "Hello, my lady. You might not know me, but I know you. It is nice to finally meet you, even if it's only in your mind. I am the Grimm Reaper, don't worry. I won't be taking you yet, so have fun and make sure not to get captured by the demons. A small reminder, you can never hide from me, I have eyes and ears all around you."

He waited for Lareia's response, but it seems that her consciousness was being brought back to reality. He knew immediately that her body is in danger, so he pushed her back to reality and came back to his own.

He sat up in his bed, panting as his thoughts stayed with Lareia. "What happened to her? Is she safe? Or maybe attacked by those filthy demons? No. I can't let them have her. She is my prey, mine only," he thought to himself while pulling his own hair out of frustration. He felt so helpless, yet satisfied. Satisfied that he saw her, helpless that he doesn't know what happened.

Sighing, he went to take a half bath and slipped on a blue tunic on top of black pants. Just after he finished, a soul in butler clothes passed through the doors and bows down to him.

"State it," Sebastian looked at the mirror, checking his clothes and hair.

"The angel is trying to escape, the other souls might not be able to stop him any longer. We need you," he said politely, his head down.

This is a mansion for the dead, for souls who don't belong the hell or heaven. As the Grimm Reaper, he is now the master of the lands of the lost souls. Bringing a living person means that the death of that person is coming.

"I'll come later," he said and dismissed the soul. The butler glided out of the room, his shoulders dropped. Sebastian took his cape and went out. Walking down the corridors, his footsteps echoed as his pace increases for every second that passes. Turning left, a door covered with vines opened.

A hilarious scene greeted him. The ghosts are trying to pull him down using chains while the angel kept fighting. Sebastian sighed and raises his hands. He starts chanting language that other beings won't understand.

"αυτός που προσπαθεί να δραπετεύσει, δέστε τον για να τον ηρεμήσει"

After he uttered those words, a dark smoke covered the angel and it paralyzed him. The ghosts took this opportunity to tie him down to a chair. No matter how hard he tried, he can't move a limb, except for his mouth and eyes.

"Who are you and where am I?" he asked.

"Is that how you treat the person who saved you? Prince Remiel, the commandment of piety, why are you in the brink of death?" Sebastian answered in a mocking manner.

"Lareia... I need to find her! Let me go!" He tried to move but his limbs won't move. "What did you do to me?!"

"First, calm down. Princess Lareia is probably safe, for now."

"What do you mean for now? Do you know where she is?" Fear in his eyes while his voice begged him.

"First, tell me everything you know about her." Remiel looked at Sebastian with confusion as he contemplated whether he should tell him or not.

Sebastian watched him intently, studying his features. His eyes and hair were pink, his golden wings shine as bright as the stars, and his body physique was similar to him. His facial features are like Aether's.

"Is he Aether's son? No... that's impossible," he thought to himself, trying to erase the doubts swirling in his mind.

"What do you want to know?" Remiel asked, finally arriving at a conclusion.

"Everything you know."

He hesitated at first, "Well... all I know is, she is adopted by the king. Her memories of her childhood were missing and there are no traces of who her parents are. Since she was a so-called genius, her adoptive father used her to win every war and conquer lands. She felt alone, I comforted her and we kinda fell for each other? I don't know if she really feels the same for me... but I do love her."

His last words made Sebastian's eyes widen, "You meant that you two were never in a relationship?!" his voice echoed inside the room.

"Not really. We are in a relationship because she wanted to know how it feels to have a lover, but I'm not sure if she feels the same for me... she never told me," he answered, pain and sadness in his voice.

For some reason, Sebastian felt sad and happy about this. "They are in a relationship, but the feelings are not mutual," he murmured to himself as a dark shadow hovers on his face.

"She is a girl of mysteries. Her smell is intoxicating, has bewitching looks, and a soft-hearted girl beneath the stone-cold mask. I personally can't believe that she is a demon when she is kinder than an angel or god..." he trailed off, probably lost in memories. "It makes a man want to protect her and give everything, even your own life."

"You're willing to sacrifice your life for her, right?" Sebastian said.

"Yes. I don't need this life if it means I can save her," he replied, his voice full of conviction.

Sebastian paused for a while, deep in his thoughts. Meeting Remiel's gaze, he uttered,

"Let's have a deal then."