Chapter 12: Battle of Immunity

"A battle of immunity."

"What the hell do you even mean by that? Are you going to get yourself hurt again?!" Jake asked, pulling her by the arms roughly. He stared straight into Lareia's emotionless red eyes.

"What happened to you...?" He asked bitterly. His tight grip relaxes, his eyes were full of worry.

"I just woke up from my fantasies. This is the real me, what can you do?" She replied blankly and shook his hands away. "Don't you dare get in my way," she added and gave him a deadly glare.

Jake gulped, petrified by the sudden change of attitude. He saw Lareia as a fragile demon who is struggling to fight her fate and has a soft heart. It made him forget that she was a cold-hearted princess, disappointment filling his system. He knew that it was his fault for thinking that she trusted and shown them the real her.

After Lareia went in, Xander patted his shoulders. "Don't be too affected. Everyone has different personalities inside them, it only depends on what they show and what others see. If you see her as an angel and was shocked by her evil side, it only means that you haven't seen all of her. We should follow and watch," As he said these words, his voice was emotionless, but it comforted Jake.

Jake only nodded, thankful for having him as his friend. They followed Lareia and found her making a magic circle behind Valor. A star was formed in the middle, overlapping other lines. They only stood and watched her in awe.

Magic circles that form a specific celestial body or other unique shapes, can only be used by high-level creatures and those who have grimoires. Grimoires are made by legendary creatures that are listed down in history, and each grimoire is one of a kind. You don't choose or buy your grimoire, it finds you.

In Lareia's case, she found the grimoire on the hidden kingdom of blood and bones. The moment she saw it, she felt attracted to it. Her grimoire is called, "Luna Nigrum Rosa." It fits her perfectly, right? The first and last owner was the late queen of the kingdom. Another kingdom full of mysteries, but that is for another story.

Jake's eyebrows knitted when the magic circle felt familiar to him. It was a common one, mostly used by humans against demons, the devil's trap. His eyes slowly widen as this realization hits him.

"You're really harming yourself," he stated in a serious yet worried tone. Lareia ignored him and proceeded to draw another magic circle. It has unfamiliar characters written on the outer part of the circle and a star and moon in the middle. "Κατέχουν το κακό," was written on it.

"The language of legendary creatures, even I can't memorize or understand those..." Xander murmured, but his face remained emotionless.

"Why do you have to enter his body when you can control him?" Jake asked, stopping Lareia from taking out the things from the bag.

"Are you damn serious? I didn't know that you were that stupid, Alpha Jake. Controlling his mind is useless since it's blocked. Possessing him means I can enter his subconsciousness, and meet him and the filthy demon. Please refrain from asking stupid questions," she answered mockingly with a smirk on her face.

She opened the bag and took out a pouch of salt, a chain made out of iron, and a bottle of holy water. The iron burned her a little, but her skin healed immediately. In order to weaken the demon from the outside, she wrapped his body with the chain, and his skin started emitting dark smoke, red marks on the places the chain touches. Slowly, the wings and horns retracted.

After that, she took the pouch and sprinkled it on the parts of his body that turned pitch-black. As a middle-class demon, it has no immunity on anti-demon substances, unlike Lareia. These factors can easily affect their transformations, but possession is a different subject.

When a creature is not fully possessed, a little bit of salt can do its job of vacating the vessel. But the case with Valor is different. His mind is taken over and he completed the transformation. Even if it harms him, it will only reverse the transformation but not the possession.

Wondering why she hasn't heard a single shriek from him, she gave the bottle of holy water to Jake. "Hold this for me," she said blankly. He gave her a questioning look, but accepted it and nodded.

She stood in the middle of the magic circle, right in front of Valor. With a snap of the finger, the circle behind him glows and Valor screamed in pain. His cries for help were satisfying, that Lareia can't stop herself from smiling while her eyes turned pitch-black. Finally, her sadistic senses are satisfied once again.

After remembering her task, she bit her left thumb and lets the blood drop down to the circle. It gave off a warm glow and a strong surge of wind. Her hair went flying while the others tried their best to keep their ground. She then uttered the following words in an unfamiliar language.

"Φέρτε μου στο μυαλό του θεατή

Πάρε την ψυχή μου και κράτα το κοντέινερ

Ανακτήστε το anima όταν έρθει η κατάλληλη στιγμή

Προστατεύστε και σκοτώστε όταν η κατάσταση είναι σφιχτή"

The room went completely still, it was sudden that it took them a while before recovering. Regaining their former self, they saw Lareia's body, floating still above the magic circle, her eyes closed. Her soul has entered Valor's body. They can only wait hopelessly, hoping everything will turn out alright.

Looking around, Lareia found herself inside a place filled with thorn vines. In the middle, she found a motionless, empty Valor, wrapped with the thorns. "Even his soul was empty, is he completely taken over by a mere middle-class demon?" She wondered, examining his whole body.

His eyes that used to have sparkles all over, is now as dark and empty as the void. His lips that always forms a smile, are now withering.

She was about to reach towards him when the demon finally showed up and grabbed her hand hastily. A disgusting creature. Deformed body and face, pitch-black skin and eyes, and sharp, small horns.

She summoned her scythe into her hands, and the demon jumped away.

"d ' Prinzessin entflohene," the demon said, more like hissed. It means, "The escaped princess." This is known as the demonic language or lowly creature's language.

"You still respect me? How cute." After uttering those words, she teleported right in front of the demon and trapped him using her scythe. "I will end this fast," she whispered and cuts the demon into half.

Everything was fast for anyone watching, it was as if she slashed him into half out of nowhere. Black blood sprayed from his body, while his upper body went flying up. The blood was like rain, tainting Lareia's silver hair black. His body slowly turned to ashes, a shattering sound followed.

Her scythe is not made of iron, but it has poison that can kill any creature just by touching it. So far, her scythe is the second one to be made in the whole oblivion history. Hers can kill any physical creature or any form of demons. While the death scythe, owned by the Grimm Reaper, can kill even a soul.

She slowly approached Valor, the sparkle returning back to his eyes. "Lareia..?" was the first thing he uttered, before his body slowly fade. It only means that his consciousness is waking up, and it's time for her to go back.

"Πήγαινέ με πίσω." After saying those unknown words, her soul got pulled back to her original body. She landed smoothly, Jake immediately went to her side.

"How is he? Are you hurt?" he bombarded her with questions, making her heave out a deep sigh. Seeing this, Xander patted his back and Jake finally relaxed.

"The demon is gone, but he is not fully cleansed. By consuming holy water, it will remove any trace of the filthy demon in his system. Since he is still unconscious, I have to transfer it manually," she said blankly after he calmed down.

She was about to take the holy water from his hands when he moved it away from her reach.

"What do you mean by transferring it manually?" He asked eyes squinted at her.

"Stupid. It means exactly what you think it is. A kiss," she answered nonchalantly while Jake's blood started to boil.

"Kiss?! Do you seriously think I will let you kiss my brother?! Dream on!" he said, suddenly acting possessive. Xander backed off, knowing this will turn chaotic.

"Do you really think you deserve to do the honor? You're nothing but a second-rate, trying hard, copy cat!" she replied, pulling him towards her. "He is too holy and kind for your filthy lips to touch his heavenly ones!"

Lareia has always secretly admired Valor's lips. It always formed a smile and it looks soft and shining, that she can't help but admire them.

She lunged and took hold of the bottle, but Jake's grip on it was too tight. They struggled to fight for it, and it slipped away from both of their hands. They watched the bottle fly as it landed directly in Xander's hands.

"For the two of you to stop your senseless bickering, I will do the honor," he said, still emotionless as he passed the petrified pair and went straight to Valor.

He drank half of it and kept them in his mouth. He was about to kiss Valor when his eyes swung open, his jaw dropped seeing Xander about to kiss him. Because of shock, Xander splurted out the holy water straight to Valor's open mouth.

The holy water was successfully transferred, in the weirdest and funniest way.