Chapter 17: Insanity

"Is she...even the Lareia before?" Remiel asked himself for the nth time, pacing back and forth in his room. His hair was a mess, and he is currently topless. Even the whole room is jumbled as if there was a storm that passed by inside it. Pillows and blanket on the floor; paintings and portraits are upside-down; and the tables and chairs are down.

Three bottles of wine and a wine glass stood by the bed, enough to explain the chaos.

"Argh! Lareia, who the hell are you?" he asked himself, slowly sitting down on the cold floor. "Lareia, what happened to your heart? Did you close it again? After I tried so hard to keep it open, a simple betrayal like that will make you crawl back in your cage? Oh, Lareia... my love..."

A cloud of black smoke starts to spread from the small gap on the door, it slowly filled the whole room. Remiel felt a chill down his spine as he abruptly stood, his senses in full alert. The smoke gathered in the middle, making a small, black hurricane, then formed into a man with the darkest aura.

"Weakling. How long do you intend to lock yourself and make your woman suffer?" he asked with disgust in his voice. Sebastian's eyes are clearly looking down on Remiel, making him feel low.

"Why did she even fell in love with a cowardly jerk like you?!"

I-I don't know! Does she even love me?" Remiel asked, pulling his own hair as tears slowly formed in his beautiful orbs.

"What if, she never really loved you?" Sebastian said in a low tone. His eyes as dark as the sky, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"She never loved me? Please tell me you're lying! She loves me... she has to..." Remiel said, trying to convince himself. He slowly kneeled down the floor, still pulling his hair, while shaking his head. His mind was in chaos, filled with what if's.

Sebastian watched Remiel breakdown on the floor, slowly losing his sanity. Every ounce of common sense, confidence, and bravery slipped away from Remiel; he has completely become insane. He stayed still, paralyzed, and in a daze.

"Finally, you lost your mind completely. You will never know what you really feel this way. Lareia will finally have a reason to let go of you. I can have her-" he stopped, realizing what he is about to say.

Confused about his own feelings, Sebastian stormed out of his room, straight into the Mirrors of the room. He stood in front of the door, contemplating why his feet brought him there. He felt mixed emotions; disappointment for what he did to Remiel, worried about Lareia, and jealous of the people surrounding her.

The only woman he should care for is his mother, aunt, and dead lover. So, why is he feeling like this? He is very disappointed that he enjoyed Remiel's suffering, and even overjoyed at the thought that Lareia will let him go. Who the hell is she to make him feel things far greater than Felisha ever did?

He sighed helplessly, and let himself in of the chamber. The familiar room of mirrors greeted him, while he walked straight to Lareia's moon mirror. There is this weird longing for her that lingers, even when he met her already last night. A strong feeling of want for her touch, voice, scent, and the sight of her filled his body.

His demon form slowly took over him, his horns and wings grew as a dark smoke filled the room. He slowly placed his hand on top of Lareia's moon mirror, hesitant at first but determined at the same time.

Sebastian shut his eyes tightly, "What the hell are you doing, Sebastian? Be a man and face whatever scene it is, that can crumble your heart into pieces!" After convincing himself and opening his eyes, a dazed Lareia greeted him.

"Is she thinking about me? Did she miraculously remember me?" He thought, full of hopes. "But then, that is not possible..." he added, filled with disappointment.

Lost in thoughts, the next scene snapped him back to reality. Clint was gently caressing her cheeks, a flirty smile on his face. He felt a fire lit inside him, his blood started to boil as he clenched his hands tightly. If only he can, he would punch Clint in the face and cut his hands off.

"No one is allowed to-" he stopped midway, realizing what he was about to say. This confusion was killing him, why is he even acting like that? The fact that he never saw Lareia face-to-face but she already made him feel like this, was the weirdest thing that ever occurred in his lifetime.

He shifted his attention back to the mirror, exactly when Lareia slapped Clint's hand away from her cheeks. His lips formed into a smirk, a feeling of fulfillment filled him.

"Good one, that's my gi-" he stopped once again, scolding himself for the nth time. "prey. Argh!"

He frustratingly messed his hair, closing his eyes, and tried to clear his mind of anything that is connected to Lareia. After several minutes of being frustrated, he stood there, panting. He knew that he only wasted his time and energy, and Lareia was still stuck in his mind.

Being too focused on his chaotic self, he missed the other scenes. When he came to check the mirror once again, he saw Lareia and Clint, sitting in front of each other. Their faces were serious, and he assumed that it was a private talk. He wanted to hear what they are talking about, but the mirror won't let him.

The last scene made him fume with anger. Clint offered his hand for a handshake and Lareia gave her hand, but Clint suddenly kissed the back of her hand. The fact that Lareia seemed unaffected made him anxious.

"Did she liked his kiss? Is she used to it that's why she has no reaction? Maybe she doesn't care? Why are women so hard to read?!" he thought to himself. The frustration came flushing back to his system, making him storm out of the room.

He went straight to the library, a loud thud sound echoed through the room as he kicked the door open. Several ghosts stopped midway, looking curiously at the angry Grim Reaper, Sebastian.

"Is there any upcoming event in the Fel Kingdom? Bring me any political books of that kingdom!" He ordered as the ghosts panicked, and searched around the shelves hastily.

"The most awaited Grand Council will occur this year, hosted by the Tranquil Kingdom. That is all, Grim Reaper," a ghost reported to him.

"Ah, I see. Will she make a move and save both kingdoms? This will be a fun game to watch."