Chapter 19: The Grand Council

"What are the conditions then?" Clint asked with anticipation.

"First, while you are away, let me leave this place freely. Don't worry, I can wear a disguise and anyone who recognizes me will disappear from the face of the world," she replied nonchalantly.

"That is easy, go on," he said with an arrogant look.

"Don't let anyone know who I am. Not even a hint," Lareia said sternly.

"It is a given already, you don't have to worry about it," he replied with a sigh. "All of her requests are easy, can't she give him a more challenging one?" is what he thought.

"I know, but if someone finds out about my identity, abandon me. Cut all ties with me, erase any trace that can connect us," she added, looking away.

"You're insane," he spoke in a shocked tone while using harsh words.

"You agreed," Lareia reminded him.

"Fine, but I can't promise that. Last?" he concluded, giving Lareia no chance to answer.

"Let's leave that for after the meeting. Shall I start telling you my predictions?" Lareia looked back at him as she said those words, her face more serious than before.

"You may start, my lady." Clint's anticipation came back to him as he heard these words.

"Fel is suffering from lack of food, am I right?" she asked for confirmation.

"Yeah, how did you know?" he replied with eyes squinted. "Suspicious," he thought.

"It is a must to know each kingdom's weaknesses. If I were the Tranquil Kingdom, l will offer a peace treaty by offering food sources in exchange for ruling the kingdom for 5 consecutive years," she said nonchalantly, making it sound as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"What's wrong about it then? They will give us food, and that is what we need right now." Clint is filled with confusion since he can't find any flaw in it.

A sigh came out of her delicate lips as she massages her temples. "I don't know if you're stupid or you just care about food. That so-called peace treaty of theirs will annihilate your kingdom. When the two kingdoms unite, they will rule for five years, meaning you will be under their orders. That will give them the perfect opportunity to destroy you, since you're a citizen of Utopia and will follow the rules given by the ruler."

"Why would they even think of betraying us?" he asked helplessly, hoping what she said is false.

"Elves are very smart creatures, especially in politics. Out of all the five kingdoms, Tranquil has the most creatures who are high in IQ. Unless you studied the psychology of every kingdom, it would be hard to figure things out," she said blankly. Lareia hates to talk like this, but it is a must if she wants to save the Fel Kingdom.

"I still doubt it."

"Doubt it or not, I will only say my insights or predictions. The decision to follow it still depends on you," she replied with finality.

"I'll keep that in mind..." he murmured.

"They probably have a plan B, but I need time to figure it out. If they offered another bargain, think of any possible way to delay the agreement for at least three days. Understood?" she stated with great authority. Even if Clint is still doubting, Lareia somehow trusted that he will follow her advice.

"I understand. Trust me, I won't let you down. I hope you will do the same." He smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand.

"I love manipulating people, but in things like this, I do not joke around. You won't need to hope for it, expect the best from me," Lareia reassured him, making him smile brighter.


"That concludes our proposal. You may discuss it for a couple of minutes. I hope for your cooperation," Elder Florin said, and they all nodded in agreement.

The elves left to give them time and space to think. Clint faced Elder Desmond with a serious face. "Lareia predicted them perfectly! It was exactly as she said! Now, I regret doubting her. Oh, but if she got it right, then their evil scheme behind it might be true. Should I risk it?" he thought to himself.

"I find nothing wrong about their proposal-" Desmond paused as he studied Clint's face. "-but it seems like the young duke found something.

"Elder Desmond, is there a possibility for Tranquil to betray us?" he asked for confirmation.

"Tranquilians are known for being smart enough to lower down their pride, unlike Netherians. Demons are rich with pride, one of the reasons why they never had any real connection with other kingdoms. Do you understand what I meant?" Desmond stated nonchalantly.

"Ahh, I see. If that is the case, then why did you not find anything wrong with the proposal?" Clint asked.

"They might betray us after a year or two, but without food, I doubt that everyone would be able to survive any longer. Think of the present first, before the future."

"What's the use of thinking of the present only when you can think and plan ahead?" Clint replied, reaching a conclusion.

"I trust everything on you, my lady," he murmured to himself.

"Do you have any solution to our problem without accepting the proposal?" Desmond said in a challenging tone but is somehow proud of Clint.

"Give me three months to find food for every Fel creature. With this, I hope you agree with rejecting the proposal."

"I'll be expecting it then," Desmond said with a small smile. He felt as if a proud father, as he watched Clint ever since he was a little boy. Seeing how brilliant and good-looking he is, who would not feel proud?

The elves came back to their posts and looked at them with great anticipation. They only replied with a glare.

"Have the Fel Kingdom finally reached a conclusion?" Elder Florin asked.

"Yes. We reject the proposal," Clint answered sternly.

"Perhaps, there is a flaw in our proposal? I wonder what it is, for someone like you to notice?" Tenjie said in a mocking tone.

Clint only smiled and said, "betrayal." One word, but enough for everyone to understand as a deadly silence befall them.

"Since our first proposal is rejected, we will prepare a second one according to the tradition. Until the other party accepted it, the host must create other proposals. With that, let us have the Grand Council in three days. Meeting adjourned."

Clint sighed in relief as they walked back to the Fel Kingdom. A vampire immediately came running to him, doom in his face.

"Duke Clint and Elder Desmond, the Grand Elder fell sick a couple of minutes ago and wishes to see the both of you!"