Chapter 27: Misunderstanding

Lunch came and Lareia sat at the table, paler than before and with red, puffy eyes. The others kept quiet and restrained themselves from asking anything.

"Princess-" Sebastian started but got cut off by Lareia.

"Stop. I'm not a princess anymore, and I also hate that title. Just call me anything but that," she stated as she took a bite of her steak.

Sebastian can't help the smile that formed on his mouth, admiring how fast she recovered. But did she really recover from the earlier revelation? Or is she just pretending? No one can ever know the answer, because Lareia herself doesn't know what she's feeling right now.

"Then, my lady, what is your plan now? I will follow anything you order me to do," he said, as the others waited for her answer, everyone's attention at Lareia.

"First, Clint, give me an update regarding uniting the kingdom." Everyone's gazes shifted to Clint.

"I managed to convince half of the vampires while Jake and Valor handled the others. Jake was able to convince all of the packs, except for his mortal enemy. Valor managed to bring everyone else." He handed a bunch of papers to Lareia, holding the information of everyone who cooperated, and handed a second batch holding those who didn't cooperate. Without even touching it, she teleported them to her room.

"You're telling me you failed, except for Valor? I'm disappointed," she said in dismay. Jake and Clint can't help but avert their gazes, quite ashamed and disappointed in themselves.

"Update on preparations?" she asked, diverting her gaze to Xander.

"We already sorted them based on their combat styles and we also checked the weapon inventory. They are more than enough for everyone, but the quality is not the best. I'll send the documents to your room after lunch since I was unaware that we're going to talk about it during lunch. I apologize," he stated as emotionless as before. He was like a robot, he will only do things he was told to do or things he is required to do, and everything about him is- blank, just empty.

"Make it a rule to always bring your papers every time we meet because we don't have enough time to have another meeting when we can just do it now. Understood?" They all nodded.

"Since that's good, I'll be helping out Jake on convincing his enemy in the morning. Valor will be helping Clint uniting the other half of the vampires. We need all the help we can, anyone or anything we can use. We are going on war not only against Tranquil but also the Nether kingdom. By the afternoon, I'll be helping out in training. We will strengthen everyone, with the limited time we have, as much as we can."

"What will I do then?" Sebastian asked as he waited for his name but never heard it.

"You can help out in the training. If you know anything that can help them fast, then try it out. By nighttime, I need you to bring that angel back to his sanity," she answered, earning a confused look from everyone, even Sebastian.

"I do not understand, my lady. His existence is the thing that keeps you from being the powerful woman you are. If he didn't go insane, you wouldn't realize the trap that you fell into, and now, you're telling me to bring him back to normal?! When we're about to go to war? I know this may sound rude, so I hope you excuse me for it but are you insane? Wait, don't fucking tell me you're actually in love with him," his voice was filled with mixed emotions, but the last part was filled with rage. He stood up, barely controlling his anger. Then, just like that, he stormed out of the room.

Lareia sighed, "nevermind it, please don't ask any question." The others agreed and kept quiet the whole meal, and went to their respective rooms to prepare for their plan for the next day.

Walking around her own room, Lareia contemplated how will she apologize and convince Sebastian to cooperate. She knows his intentions are good, but she can't always run away from everything. She needs to face them head-on, and overcome them. Groaning out of frustration, she stormed out of her room, knowing what she should be doing.

It was three hours past noon, and it was quite cold outside, despite the sun still up in the sky. Lareia knocked a couple of times on Sebastian's door. Not knowing who it was, Sebastian opened it with his hair sticking out in all directions, only to end up with eyes wide open at his guest.

"M-my l-lady!" Sebastian jumped a little, shocked at the thought that the woman whom he least expected to appear, was right there, standing in front of him with a blank face.

"Should I laugh or be offended right now?" Lareia asked, earning a chuckle from Sebastian.

"I apologize for my unsightly appearance, but may I ask what my lady needs?" Sebastian asked, forgetting his anger about the earlier event.

"Want to go out for a drink?" she asked hesitantly, looking anywhere but him. This made Sebastian smile, thinking if he should tease her or not.

"Hmm...should we? But, I have things to do..." he murmurs, staring at Lareia and waiting for her reaction.

"Ah, I apologize. It seems like I took some of your time. I'll get going then, have a good day." Sebastian was left dumbfounded there, realizing that he missed a chance to have a talk with her and clear out whatever happened.

"I- Lareia!" he said too late. She was already gone from sight. Lareia was too far away already so she missed his calls for her.

"Damn it! I should've just agreed. Argh!" Sebastian ruffled his already disheveled hair, in frustration.

Without a second thought, Sebastian went back to his room and fixed himself up. Taking a coat with him, he stormed out of the mansion, looking for Lareia with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.