Enter SimpleMMO World Chapter 10

" Huh!?" They all shouted in unison.

"Wa-wait a minute... Did you just say im-immortal? What do you even mean by that?" Asked BlackRaven, shocked by my statement.

"Yeah, you must have strong evidence to support your point right?" Mcgreed added, seeking further explanation from me.

"Of course. I'm not someone who says something carelessly without any proof or evidence." I tried to convince them that my statement was not baseless.

"S-seriously? This is becoming something big. I never thought there would be a day where I heard someone tell me that I'm immortal. I mean that's not a realm for a human, immortality is in the realm of gods you know?" Said reaper, who still had a hard time believing what I just said.

Of course, it's not something you can easily swallow, being immortal means that you will never die no matter what happens. In other words, you will live for an ETERNITY! A life where you don't have to worry about death.

"Well, it's something beyond our imagination but there's a rationale behind it. Do you remember my first point?" I started to explain the logical reason behind it.

"You mean about how this is the world of SimpleMMO but at the same time, it isn't? What about-- Huh?! Wait.. Wait.. I see! So that's why you said that there's a possibility that we are immortal! That makes sense! It may sound illogical when you said we're immortal but there's a sound reasoning behind it. Now I understand the theory, and you said that you have proof to support this right?" Mcgreed managed to understand the theory behind it when he thought back to point no. 1.

"Of course. Now you understand, right? What about you guys? Want to take a guess?" I asked the others beside Mcgreed to take a guess.

" Huh? Iyeeahhh, I understand... So that's what you mean huh? Mm mm, so we are.. that uhmm, what is it again? Immortal? Because of uhmm, point no 1? Yeah, I understand it completely." Said BlackRaven with his teasing voice. Basically, he didn't understand it at all and pass it as a joke.

"Hahaha, Sorry. I don't quite understand it." Said Cleidious while laughing at BlackRaven.

"Point no. 1? Hmmm.. Nope, nothing comes to my mind." Said III as he failed to take a guess.

"SimpleMMO World, huh? I think I almost got it. Just a little more... What's it that I'm missing? Arghh!!" Said reaper, who is on the right track. He just needs a little hint.

"Hmm, I'm not sure... Is it because we will be revived back when we level up in SimpleMMO?" Said Khelgarr, he answers it on point, as expected of a veteran player. Khelgarr's answer startles the others who are still trying to guess what it is. It's like they are given the hint they need to what they're are trying to guess.

"That it's!! That's the missing piece!" reaper exclaimed as he got the piece of the puzzle that he was missing. Looks like he understands the theory.

"Hahaha, alright. Let me just explain from the beginning. Point no. 1: this world is part of SimpleMMO where some of the game rules are still applied here. For example, equipment, and that SPECIAL ATTACK I used today to save BlackRaven and reaper. Another rule that applies here is that we can heal ourselves by eating food from our inventory and what lies within this rule is-- IMMORTALITY... Can you guys see this hand? Do you see any discrepancy or anything weird about this hand?" I raised my left hand and showed it to them.

"No, I don't see anything wrong with it. There's not even a scar on it. What's wrong with that hand?" reaper answered as he looks at my left hand with curiosity.

"This morning, I used this hand to block a full swing attack from a monster and he almost tore it off from my body." I told them the craziest thing I did today; I intentionally blocked the attack from a monster with my left hand.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" They were shocked to learn what I did. Well even I, myself, still couldn't believe I did that.

"Are you serious? But there's not even a scar on your hand." Said BlackRaven, as he inspected my left hand.

"Yes, no matter how many times you search, you won't find any discrepancy. That's why this left hand of mine is part of the proof that we could be immortal. After I broke my left hand, I used my Quest Points to level up, and guess what? My left hand healed instantly, leaving not a single trace of it being almost torn apart from my body, and now I can use it as if nothing happened." I started to prove the rules that can make SimpleMMO players immortal in this world.

"You've got to be kidding me. Are you okay in your head? I mean, who the hell in their right mind blocks an attack from a monster with their hand?" Said BlackRaven with his teasing joke. It seems like BlackRaven has started to interact with us more naturally than before. Well, the truth is, all of us are holding back when interacting with each other because we just met. Like the wall that divides between strangers or friends have become thinner as we converse with each other. Anyway, thanks for the compliment BlackRaven.

"Hahaha, damn, that's harsh BlackRaven." reaper said while laughing.

"I see. So, no matter how bad our injury is, if we level up, all of it will heal completely." reaper added as he was starting to understand.

"Wait a minute. That means in order for us to revive from the dead we have to level up, right? But how can we level up if we are dead?" Asked Cleidious, becoming more confused.

"No, that's not it. You've misunderstood Azlanc's point. The key point here is the healing systems in SimpleMMO that are applied in this world. Level up is only one of the ways to heal ourselves aside from food. Another method is time and this is what Azlanc means when he said we might be immortal, right? Because in SimpleMMO, our HP will be restored every 5 minutes." Explained Mcgreed, who understood the theory when I mentioned points no. 1.

"Yup, that's exactly what I meant, but--" When I tried to continue, suddenly, III interrupted me.

"Urgh... W-wait a minute, I just imagined something worse than death. You said, our HP will be restored little by little every 5 minutes right? D-does that means-- if our whole body got blown into smithereens, it would regenerate and heal bit by bit every 5 minutes while we are conscious!? That means we will experience the pain all over again until we are fully healed!? That's insane!" III freaked out instinctively as he imagined the most painful situation.

"Calm down III, we don't know for sure yet if this theory is true or not and in case if it is true, then you can just use food that can restore 100% of your HP the moment you're revived. That way, you can avoid prolonged pain. In the first place, we should avoid death at all costs by taking extra precautions. For example, keeping our XP at least above 70% no matter what. So, when you're in a dire situation, you can use Quest Points to fill up another 30% of your XP to level up." I attempted to explain a possible countermeasure to avoid the worst possible situations.

III let out a sigh of relief, "I see. At least we can avoid experiencing that kind of situation, thank goodness. Sorry for suddenly freaking out, guys." Said III as he was flooded with relief.

"No worries. Actually, what you said is one of the reasons why I want to propose a plan, which is also another way to restore our full HP instantly, and I think we should make this one of our top priorities. I propose we search for Folen, The Healer, and make a contract with him to be our personal healer."

I proposed this backup plan as insurance for us to survive in this unknown (yet so known) world.

To be continued....