5. Ghost Hunter 2018

This is why I must ally myself with the Time Jackers.

Sougo: what are you-?!

Geiz: I told you! I'm staying here so I can defeat you!

So say your prayers.

Tsukuyomi: ENOUGH! You'll break something!

Junichiro: wow I see everyone full of pep today! Bet you're hungry!

First comes breakfast.

Tsukuyomi: here

Sougo: by the way, I was meaning to ask before Geiz, you had the ghost and drive watches before we met, right? How did you get them?

That's none of your business and he stole them from Oma Zi-O.

Sougo: so they used to belong to me!

Well, they're mine now.

Sougo: Wow, thief...

Junichiro: hey, hey, what's all this about stealing, now? That's dangerous!

There is no good reason to be stealing from anyone unless you're stealing a girls heart then it's kind of romantic.

Heure: what do you want?

Allow me to be direct I will be assisting the three of you.

Ora: is this some kind of trap?

Swartz: so you've abandoned Tokiwa Sougo?

It is a retainer duty to ensure their liege remains on the proper course.

Swartz: then the only question is what can you offer us?

He is a man who will pose a great threat to my overlord he destroys all in his path altering history.

Won't let anyone get hurt...

Sougo: Another rider! Stop! Huh? What's with this guy? He's like a ghost!

Takeru: Narita let's catch him!

Sougo: are you okay can you hear me?

Good work out there.

Ghost: who next?

Swartz: Heure!

It's so easy for us to know where the accidents will happen after all leaked at laboratory kills 5, 18 severely injured a freak accident.

Heure: that looks good! Follow me

Ora: hey so where is this destroyer you're talking about anyway?

He is a rather capricious man.

Woz: seeing as my overlord has taken action could I trouble you to summon him?

Shibuya: good catch Takeru!

Sougo: hey could you unite me...?

Narita: what are you saying? First, confess! You've got something to do with this!

Takeru: Mika

Mika: Is he the monster friend?

Sougo: hang on a sec!

I had no idea what's going on...

Sougo: can someone please explain it to me?

Shibuya: you seriously don't know anything?

Sougo: yeah...

We're with the supernatural Phenomenon Lab for three years now we've been tracking that monster you were just seen with this is our client on this case, Mika there seems to be some connection between the monster and her missing brother.

Mika: I've been looking for my brother

Sougo: what happened?

He's the police officer three years ago I went to bring him lunch I was expecting to see him under those steel beams but he was gone instead that monster was there.

Sounds like the Time Jackers...

The other day we were almost able to capture that monster but this Kamen Rider guy got in the way.

Takeru: that was you? Are you working with that monster?

Sougo: with him?! No way!

Shibuya: we can't risk you lying to us!

Just tell us what you know and that must be Tsukuyomi.

Sougo: could you pick that up, please? Hello?

Tsukuyomi: there's an Another Rider on the loose Geiz is headed after it

Sougo: that monster back!

Let me help you guys I'm sure I can do something.

Takeru: okay I'll trust you

Shibuya: Takeru are you sure about this?!

I don't think he poses any harm.

Sougo: thanks!

My name is Tokiwa Sougo I want to be king someday.

Narita: that sounds even more suspicious! Let's leave him here

Takeru: okay...

Sougo: aw come on!

Ora: are you even listening to me?

Tsukasa: yeah...I got the gist of it...

Ora: what is with this weirdo?

Ghost: anyone who...hurts others...must pay!

Narita: here!

Ghost: Mika...

Mika: Onii-chan! Are you okay?!

Narita: he's dead

Takeru: Oh no...what have you done...?

Whoops, you can't beat this one.

Heure: because without this he's dead!

Onii-chan: what's going on here?!

Heure: wanna contract with me?

If you cooperate your sister won't have to die.

Heure: and you'll become king!

Onii-chan: Not a chance I refuse to work alongside villains!

I can save Mika on my own.

Heure: suit yourself but what's the point if you die in the process? I mean he died to protect you! Ever since then he has been punishing people responsible for accidents! He must have wanted to protect you!

Takeru: Mika!

Geiz: wait!

I'll take care of this.

Takeru: Narita please take care of Mika!

Narita: okay!

Geiz: who are you?

Just a Kamen Rider passing through.

Geiz: what...?

Tsukasa: not too bad but compared to me...?

Geiz: what...?

Takeru: are you okay?

Tsukasa: see you later

Geiz: wait...!

Takeru: wait you're hurt!

Geiz: who are you supposed to be?

My name is Tenkuuji Takeru.

Takeru: you're one of Sougo friends right?

Geiz: you know him?

I feel kinda bad over how I treated him.

Narita: here

Sougo: how's Mika?

She's pretty shaken Shibuya helping her rest it's understandable that the monster is her brother not only that they made Another Rider from someone who died.

Sougo: and a Kamen rider helped him out?

Tsukuyomi: that's impossible

The Time Jackers are trying to establish a new king why would a Kamen rider but it happened that rider was one of the statues on the Oma Zi-O monument Kamen rider Agito.

Tsukuyomi: then I have no idea what's going on!

We'll go after them I call a truce until this is settled.

Takeru: you two are fighting?

Sougo: oh no it's fine Tsukuyomi can you find any accident happening soon?

Another ghost that will target those responsible for revealing future events is against the rules but...

Midday tragedy leaves many injured gas leak leads to cart explosion.

Tsukuyomi: this looks like a match

You've gathered white a few souls now.

Heure: try unleashing them!

They'll bring you even more power.

Ghost: release...

Sougo: Takeru Tsukuyomi get everybody out of here!

Takeru & Tsukuyomi: okay!

Sougo: that power is driving you crazy! You're making Mika suffer!

Heure: don't listen to him! He becomes the most twisted overlord of all time! He causes so many deaths...which makes him a target of yours! Need some help? What is a thing?

His ghost uses this.

Sougo: sure thing!

Heure: are you sure about that? Of you beat him he dies!

Geiz: Kamen rider Agito...

Oh, I've got plenty more up my sleeve.

Tsukuyomi: no way...

Sougo: he tired into a different rider...!

Tsukasa: so you're this big bad an overlord? Let have a little fun

Tsukuyomi: Sougo!

Guess the overlord was all talk.

Heure: now's your chance Ghost! Who are you even? Get him while you're at it!

Tsukasa: that's enough let's clear out Time Jacker

My name is Heure.

Tsukuyomi: Sougo! Sougo! Geiz Sougo's not breathing!

Geiz: what...? Hey!

Takeru: there you are!

Sougo: what the heck happened to me?!

That monster took your soul from your body no one else can see you now you're kind of like a ghost.

Sougo: no way...I'm a...ghost?

Ora: why didn't you finish them?

I've got them mostly figured out...that's enough, for now, you impressed me if you ever want to become king I'll vouch for you.

Tsukasa: A king, huh? Not my style

I'm just a Kamen rider who passes through the destroyer of worlds.