Interrogation: Part 1

"This is the police."

A simple sentence that would seem confusing or unusual to innocent people. However, it was a phrase that brought chills to Kurayama and Hinotori. The sheer dread they both felt at that moment was immeasurable as their thoughts ran wild, asking all sorts of questions, imagining all kinds of scenarios, and if Kurayama's secret has been exposed.

Nevertheless, Kurayama maintained his composure and calmness as he stood up from his chair and made his way towards the front door. He didn't do anything rash, because the voice that uttered that sentence was that of a young man with a casual tone of voice, making Kurayama feel a little relief.

Opening the door, Kurayama was surprised to see only one police officer standing in front of him. He was carrying a notebook accompanied by a friendly smile that was plastered on his face. Kurayama recognized him as the police officer from the store robbery.

"Ah! Mr.Kurayama! A pleasure to meet you." The police officer said as he extended his hand towards Kurayama for a handshake.

"Oh. You're the police officer...from that store robbery." Kurayama replied as he shook the officer's hand.

"Indeed. I'm officer Kenzo Hirono, at your service." Kenzo said as he tilted his cap and slightly bowed his head.

"So, officer. How may I help you?" Kurayama calmly asked.

"Well, I'm partially involved in the 'Reaper' case. The HGA and police department have assigned me and a few other policemen to Shinjuku and Ryoku districts to ask the residents here a couple of questions regarding this case."

"The 'Reaper' case?"

"Ah, I'm sorry for using such an informal way to describe it. I mean the 'Vigilante' investigation. You know about it, right?"

"Oh, of course. The vigilante that has been roaming this area. I've heard a lot about him. I'm not that fond of him really."

"That's the first time I hear that. Most residents praise him for his illegal actions. But, we're all different people in the end, haha. Anyway, sorry for taking your time, Kurayama. But, I need you to answer a few questions."

"Of course, go ahead."

"Marvelous. So, how long have you been living here, Kurayama?" Kenzo asked as he looked down at his notebook with his pen ready.

"I have been living here for four months."

"Good. Do you live with anyone?"

"No, I've been living alone ever since I bought it."

"Okay. Do you have a job?"

"Currently, I don't. But, I was working in an internet cafe about two weeks ago."

"Why did you suddenly quit?"

"It wasn't my type of thing really. I just worked there for a quick cash grab."

"Ah, I see. Moving on. About the vigilante 'Reaper', have you ever had a direct encounter with him? If not, have you ever seen him in his act of vigilantism, or spotted him from afar?"

"No, I haven't seen him at all."

"Alright. When 'Reaper' is most active, approximately between midnight and dawn, where are you at that moment?"

"Mostly in my apartment, asleep, or staying up late."

"Then, how do you explain that some witnesses see you exiting your apartment at midnight while carrying a black duffle bag with you?"

"Ah, that. It's just my regular nightclub visits from time to time."

"Oh, that makes sense. We all like to party from time to time, hahaha." Kenzo replied with a friendly smile and a chuckle.

"Indeed we do."

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, Kurayama. That will be it for today."

"No problem, officer. I'm glad that I could help."

"Also, have you tried to take the hero test, Kurayama?"

"No, it's not really my kind of thing. I just wish to have a stable and boring job."

"Oh, you truly are different from normal people. I wholeheartedly respect your wish. Do you have any job in mind?"

"I think I might aim for becoming a salaryman. Well, anything that can earn me a stable income while also being safe."

"Ah, I see. I'll see if any of my acquaintances can help find a job for you in one of the many companies they work at."

"Oh, really?"

"Well, they are suffering from a lack of workers. So, It's my duty to help fellow friends, haha."

"Oh, I see. I wouldn't mind that really. Thank you, officer Hirono."

"No problem, Kurayama," Kenzo said as he extended his hand towards Kurayama for a handshake, "I hope you aren't the vigilante, hahaha." Kenzo sarcastically stated.

"Don't worry, I'm not." Kurayama shook the officer's hand and replied with a forced smile.

"Oh...oh my..." Kenzo said as he released hold of Kurayama's hand before taking a few steps back. "Now this...has turned into a difficult situation."

"Officer?" Kurayama asked, slightly confused.

Kenzo slowly removed his police hat as he kept his friendly smile. All of a sudden, Kurayama was shocked to see many red laser dots spread about his torso, legs, arms, and head.

"Ishigami Kurayama, you are under arrest for committing illegal acts of vigilantism, multiple counts of first-degree murder, multiple counts of assault, and for being the prime suspect in the murder of the Kurayama household."