The Fight Continues

[Attention, this is an old chapter that no longer holds any relation or meaning to the story. Please read it at your own sake and curiosity, as it will not have any value or meaning to the current plot that is progressing currently. Re-release of this chapter will occur at a later date.]

"Early this morning, the city woke up to the news of a shocking incident that was the first of its kind in the history of the town.

Today before dawn, what is expected to be gang violence has targeted multiple C-tier and B-tier heroes, and the directress of the local HGA—Emilia Amari, leaving some people speculating whether it was a purposeful attack targeting specific heroes or a declaration of war.

Ishigami Kurayama, Himari Kurayama, Yuki Aikawa, and Hisaki Hinotori were the only heroes that have been attacked yet haven't gone missing after the attack. And through their testimonies, the HGA and the local police department have confirmed that armed personnel wearing fox masks caused the attacks. None of the attackers has been identified, but they are expected to be members of a criminal organization or gang.

Until now, the condition of the missing heroes and Emilia Amari is unknown. Although, through further investigation, all of the missing heroes' homes showed signs of break-ins and struggles, asserting the fact that the heroes were kidnapped. Yet, there were no blood drops, or fingerprints on the crime scene, leaving the police force absolutely clueless of what could have possibly happened.

Today, the local HGAs across the city have closed down its doors and laid off all of its heroes and staff for public safety, and to not endanger civilian or hero lives if another potential attack happens.

And on that note, Chief inspector Hajime Fujimori has announced that the local police department will keep the investigation going, with the addition of initiating a thorough investigation of all residents of Shinjuku and Ryoku districts, where the attacks took place. A decision that left the residents of the two areas in a complete outrage as they are now prohibited from going outside until the investigation ends.

That's it for today's news report. We will try to deliver any news of the incident as soon as possible, so be sure to stay tuned for any new information. Goodnight."

As soon as the anchor finished his report, the TV turned off immediately. Holding the remote was none other than Akira Fujimori, who had a tired and frustrated expression plastered on his face as he stared at the Television.

"That is basically the current situation. We can't release more information about the Kitsunes, or the public will go in a panic, neither do we know more information about this situation. It's a disaster by every means." Akira stated in a tired voice as he rubbed his left eye.

Right next to Akira, lying down on the hospital bed, was a black-haired boy with blue eyes. It was Kurayama. He was wrapped in bandages across his torso and arms.

"…Do you know something that I don't?" Kurayama asked, narrowing his eyes as he stared at Akira.

Akira stayed silent for a little bit, staring at the TV before he took a deep breath and sighed.

"Emilia might be a traitor." He stated in a calm yet regretful voice.

"Emilia? How?"

"She never liked the idea of this investigation from the start. She always refused my requests, but she had no choice but to accept this one because she was forced to. In meetings, she always thought that peace can't be achieved by heroes, but from something else. I don't have proof that she is a traitor but look at the evidence. Everything is pointing at her." Akira replied as he sat on the chair next to Kurayama.

"Well, even is she is actually a traitor, what can you really do about it now? This is no longer something that anyone has control over. The situation is no longer about traitors; it is about dealing with the aftermath of it." Kurayama stated.

"Yeah…that's why you need to get the hell out of Japan as soon as possible."

"Huh?" Kurayama wondered in confusion.

"Kurayama, the Kitsunes will not stop until they eliminate you and Aikawa. After all, you both are the greatest threat to them."

"What do you mean? What have I ever done to them?" Kurayama exclaimed in anger.

"Kurayama, if Emilia is truly the traitor, then the Kitsunes already know that you are 'The Reaper.' You are their biggest threat."

"What? Reaper?" Kurayama asked in a cold sweat.

"Police officer, Kenzo Kiode, was assigned to 'The Reaper' investigation. Surprisingly, he found out who he is. However, when he revealed the information, he bowed down on both of his knees and begged us not to arrest you. He told us everything that you did, including the thing about saving his sister. In all honesty, we weren't going to arrest you from the start. We just wanted to know who you are so we can get you under our radar. "

"That means—" Kurayama said before he got cut-off.

"Yes. If Emilia is a traitor, then the entire Kitsunes know about you." Akira replied as he held his head down.

Kurayama was speechless as he laid his head down on the pillow. He stared at the ceiling with a blank look. He was absolutely devastated by this news.

"Is it too hard to live a peaceful life? Can't life give my second chance without destroying it immediately?" Kurayama murmured to himself in a depressed voice. "Akira, what will you do know? What is going to happen to me and my friends? Can you guarantee our safety?"

"You bet your ass I will. The last thing I'll do in my life is to submit to those fuckers. Especially that traitor, Emilia!" Akira clenched his fists before he stated in a frustrated and angry voice. "You, Himari, Aikwa, and Hinotori will go into hiding. You must leave the country as soon as possible if you want to stay alive." Akira stood up from his seat and locked eyes with Kurayama.

"Huh? Hiding?"

"To be more precise, you will go to Siberia. I have already set everything up.

The national HGA of Japan will take you on a private airplane to China. The national HGA of China will then take you to Siberia to an old abandoned town that was once the property of the Heroes Government. The national HGA of China will do its best to care of all of you. Including protection, supplies, and food.

I already discussed this idea with the national HGA of Japan and got their agreement. It's now up to you if you want to accept it or not."

Kurayama was staring blankly at Akira, unsure of his decision. His mind kept telling him no. He no longer wanted to fight…He was too tired.

"Kurayama, do you want to keep fighting for yourself, and for everyone you love, or do you want to quit? Are you willing to let life take control of you, or are you determined to build your own path by yourself? Are you hero strong enough to keep fighting, or are you a wannabe who is only in it for money and fame?" Akira extended his hand towards Kurayama before he spoke, "So, what will it be, Kurayama?"

Kurayama stared at him for a few seconds before he gave Akira a determined look.

"I'm going to fight, and I'm going to fight until I win!" Kurayama replied in complete confidence as he shook Akira's hand.

"Now that's how a hero must act," Akira stated with a smile plastered on his face.

Akira turned around and walked towards the door. He opened the door and stood there for a few seconds.

"Thank you for saving my uncle. He was the shop clerk that you saved from the robber that day." Akira said in a genuinely grateful voice as he stared at Kurayama with the corner of his eyes, "I will do my best to save you too. After all, you're a hero to me too." He said before he closed the door behind him.

Kurayama laid his head down on the pillow and gazed at the window before he gently closed his eyelids.

"One more time… "


Inside of a luxurious penthouse, three women were sitting down at the couch, watching an intensely violent horror movie. The first woman was tall with long black hair. The second one was a little short and had ash white hair. The last one was the shortest and had light green hair.

The black-haired woman had a bored expression on her face while watching the movie. The green-haired woman was messing with her phone, not paying attention at all. The ash-haired woman was eagerly watching the movie while eating popcorn.

"Wait for it…wait for it…" The ash haired woman said, "Boom! And his head explodes! Hahaha!"

"Chimera, aren't you sick of this movie already? This is the tenth time in a row that you watch it." The black-haired woman asked.

"Never will I ever get sick of this masterpiece, Vision!" Chimera asserted.

"Ugh! What is good about this movie? It's all just blood and gore, and a very exaggerated one at that." The green-haired woman said.

"It has a very decent plot, it's just that you're too distracted to see the good things while you're always messing with your Goddamn phone, Saeclum!" Chimera argued back.

"Like fucking hell it is." Vision stated before she and Saeclum laughed at Chimera.

"Well, if you don't appreciate a great movie. Then I'll have to beat some sense into you." Chimera clenched her fist and smirked.

"Great! Go ahead, at least then I'll feel something." Vision smirked back and stated in a mocking voice.

Suddenly, Vision's phone started ringing. Upon picking it up and checking who the caller was, she smirked.

"Why hello there, how may I help you?" Vision asked in a friendly voice.

"Cut the bullshit, Vision. You know why we called you." A deep and manly voice replied from the other side.

"Well, of course. Who do you want us to kill next?"

"Four heroes. They've been causing a lot of trouble the past three months, and you know what happens to anyone who annoys us. So, are you in? "

"Why wouldn't I? After all, it's a pleasure to work for the Kitsunes again." Vision replied.

"But just you know, if you fail this mission, you're disowned. We don't know you, neither do you know us. If you sell us out, you're dead. "

"Hahaha! Oh, I almost felt scared there. So, where's the money?"

"We will pay three million dollars in advance. Once you finish the mission, we will pay you the full nine million."

"Ah, I am glad that you remember our price. So, when shall we start?"

"Come to the usual place, we'll continue talking there." The voice said before the call ended.

Vision stared at the phone with a wide grin plastered on her face before she shifted her gaze at the two women with her.

"Ladies, we have a new job."