Chapter 166

As soon as the celestial power left his body, Bai Long collapsed to the floor with a loud thud, his vision swam as he struggled to stay focused.

'Is this the drawback of using a power way beyond my capabilities?' He thought to himself while gritting his teeth as he fought to stay conscious.

Just then in front of his eyes, space suddenly began to twist and turn as a rift that seemed to lead to the dark abyss itself opened. Bai Long loudly gulped, his back soaked in cold sweat as he felt the boundless aura emitting from within the rift.

"What the-" He muttered, his eyes as wide as sausages as he stared unblinkingly as if he was afraid to miss anything.

The dark abyss stared back at him causing Bai Long's heart to almost leap out of his chest, he felt as if a devil from the nether would come jumping out and drag him down the fiery pits of hell.