He could feel the heat burning up in both of them. Mixing his blood into the broth for the dragon vow ritual was a good idea after all. Being able to control his dragon’s blood in Ruo Han’s body, he easily suppressed the chaotic energy in Ruo Han’s golden core.
Their meridians reached out to reach each other and Ruo Han’s weakening energy was nourished by Shen Long’s powerful soul. Shen Long was about to give his vow when something terrible happened.
As if recognising the original owner, the chaotic energy in Ruo Han’s golden core struck out and attacked Shen Long’s mind when he was at his most vulnerable state. The dragon god spirit wasn’t expecting that and couldn’t guard against it. Shen Long slumped in the bathtub with the sudden attack but his grip on Ruo Han never loosened even after he fell unconscious as if still wanting to protect the cultivator stubbornly.