Friends But Actually Lovers (6)

Bruce was annoyed. Ever since that day, Klick has been going around as if he had completely lost his mind. The blind bat was batting his eyelashes everywhere and asking about Carlos. Everyone on the campus probably already knew about the beta stalker boy who was smitten by the cheetah man whore. It was irritating and no matter what Bruce did, Klick wasn’t listening.

Now, the shark merman spent all his time intruding on a certain couple’s private time. It didn’t matter if it was during meal times or after classes. Bruce would accompany Syris and Floopy everywhere just so that he didn’t have to deal with hearing about Klick everywhere he went. Floopy was too afraid of Bruce and Syris was simply too polite to chase his best pal away.

“Why would Klick be interested in that man whore? I’ve been staying with that cheetah for a few days now and I don’t know how nobody has castrated him yet!”