Flower That Could Not Bloom (part 3)

On top of the great tower, a strange figure stood blatantly on the edge and creepily swayed its hands in the air. It spoke nonchalantly,

“Begone! Horrible shadows?

Begone! You Ridiculous and Fake beings?

Begone! And Let Us be Free?”

Hysterically laughing it looked down the crowd of people leaving.

Your freedom is now mine, certainly I am not a mockery. The fun has just begun.” Its nonexistent smile suddenly fading, “I will get my revenge.” it whispered, slowly disappearing into thin air.


Lucia found herself inside those long hallways once again and was getting used to the luxurious view. Thinking for the past few minutes what she impulsively did, hoping she is not wrong in her decision and gathered the courage to ask the prince,

"Where are we going?" a simple question asked by a simple girl who kept having difficulty keeping up with the boy's unusual fast pace.