"I wanted to learn the truth
But I wasn’t ready for that at all
Disappear, disappear
For “truth” is now a burden"
The voice that I heard was so close yet so far but I couldn't point out from where exactly it was coming.
"Uhh hello?" a light breeze brushed against my warm body. "Who's there?" I asked cautiously taking a few steps further. My heart raced against time and I could feel its rapid throbbing against my chest.
"Us, they, there, here, we.... are everywhere in this realm, silly girl." came the same voice.
Intrigued by the voice I searched my surroundings once again.
"I know that you are everywhere but specifically the one who's talking right now," I kept walking until I reached a black void, there wasn’t anything but darkness ahead. Not even my soft glow could decipher what was hidden in that never-ending, forever changing realm. A dead end.