"If you are fortunate enough to get a second chance,
Use it wisely ."
Celeste's POV
My eyes shot open, unfocused and in cold sweat. Just when I thought I won’t be able to see the day light again, my senses came back and I heard Aria's mellow voice...
Her voice! She was there right in front of me. A worried expression on her face, I busted into a mix of overjoyed, sorrowful tears when I saw her standing, breathing, ALIVE.
I hugged her tight, I could tell she was bewildered as her body tensed up with the sudden action. She slowly loosened up and hugged me back. She was warm.
"Celeste, I know this is a suicidal note but you shouldn't get so emotional over that." She pushed me away softly and examined my face.
I was sent back to redo my choices, rethink my thoughts. Now... I had a chance.