Chapter 7

Dolly comes rushing into my room, startling me with the door slam.

"Holy shit," I say, sitting up in bed, heart pounding.

Did I sleep in?

I left the bar right after my encounter with bad-boy Jules, to reset my brain, and I ended up passing out. I look out the window and see the light peeking through the heavy velvet curtains.

Dolly is back in her natural form, in a hot pink dress that seems like a size too small. "So, while I was doing my agent work, I overheard some things." She stares at me blankly then smiles.

I yawn, "And?"

"Well, it would seem that Jules and Louis are plotting against you," she says with an eyebrow raised, her bubblegum pink lips pursing.

I frown and look down. "You're joking. Louis?"

Dolly walks over to me and sits on the bed. "Well, they both think you are hiding the stone. They are just working on ways to get it out of you before the real danger happens. Tim Lester knows of you, not sure how yet, but he desperately wants the stone. It would be his way of taking out Jules and his colonies. Really though, Jules is the only threat to Tim, Louis's men were not able to make a dent from what I hear. So now that the Sky colonies are here, Crypt's Teeth are moving in."

I expel a breath. "Well, I am a very wanted woman." I bite my lip. "So Louis and Jules are only coming on to me because of the damn stone," I mutter.

My confidence dwindles down to a little smoke trail, and I feel a tad embarrassed.

She snickers and rolls her eyes. "Don't be a Nork. Jules looks at you like you are his next meal. Pierce thinks an obsession has taken place, which is what we want. Keep Jules on the hook until you can snag Louis." She pauses, "Unless you want Jules?'

She is raising her eyebrows over and over.


The safe bet.

Jules is too dangerous; he would ruin me. The off-chance that the relationship didn't work out, I would not survive it. Or, if he picks another agent, I'd be devasted, it's too risky.

My Tanner wound is still too fresh.

Dolly sighs. "Well, some of the girls caught glimpses of Jules and are now on team Jules. Wanting a piece of that fine man. He has a nice, tight ass," she makes a face, "looks so good in his black pants, you can just tell he is packin'." She stares off into the distance as if she sees the wondrous sight of his massive bulge.

I feel my face heat and roll my eyes.

I am not going there. Louis also has a penis, for F's sake. Jules's Jewels are not the Holy Grail, for the love of Mike. People need to calm the F down.

"Oh, and I think Jules is on his way up here," she gives me a devious grin, her dark eyes looking crazed.

"Up, here," I breathe. "As in, my respectable room? Isn't that frowned upon?! What kind of establishment is this?"

"This is not England; it is much different. And yeah or that's what I heard him tell Louis. You know, this whole incident with the two brothers is bringing them together. They have not spoken in five years, and they were actually talking without fighting. Pretty touching."

"Dolly, Jules is on his way up here?!"

"Yeah, why?" She looks at me like I am an idiot.

"I need Pierce," I breathe and jump out of bed.



She clicks her tongue. "Why? I thought Jules didn't matter?"

I can feel my heart rate explode. "Pierce said, to keep him on the leash! I have to look," I search for the words, "Put together."

"Okay, okay," she says gives me a, yeah right, look. "Let me log on."

I stand in frantic fury.

Why the hell is he coming up to my room?

"Why is he coming up to my room?" I ask.

"Well, you are going on a train ride. Too dangerous at the Dahlia right now with Lester's men on the loose. So, in a sense, they are protecting you, while also wanting the stone themselves," she giggles.

Dolly's giggle sounds creepy like it comes from the Bride of CHUCKY. It would be the sound you'd hear before you are stabbed fifty times by a dull knife.

"Okay, Pierce has been working on a bad-ass outfit, sexy and practical. But, a lot sexy." she looks up at me, "Spin, sugar. It's uploaded. "

I close my eyes, not having the time to argue.

When Pierce says sexy, it scares me. My skin tingles and my head is light-headed, then a flash. I tense as I feel my body in tight clothing and garters.

I look in the mirror and gasp.

"Oh lordy," I breathe.

I am standing in a stunning outfit, indeed. Pierce needs to win a universal prize or something. I am wearing a lovely cream blouse fringed with lace, and with short puff sleeves. It's feminine and sexy. The shirt is very tight, and I would think normally it would be paired with a corset over the top. But this brown leather corset that is making my waist appear like a twig is like a holder for my breasts, cupless. It draws the eyes to them, like a sore thumb. Like, my boobs are on a platter. A rib coset.

The corset has a golden clock and other little gadgets that catch the light. Around my neck dangles a necklace that even further draws the eye to my cleavage.

I think Pierce is playing up my boobs.

Just a slight hunch.

The rest of the dress-hybrid is beautiful. A long thin lace gown splits in the front showing my tight, brown leather pants, showing my shapely dancer's legs. Pierce also gave me a gun belt with a silver pistol. The style here is way cooler than I thought. I look at myself from side to side, not bad. Might not be Louis's elegant style, but maybe he needs a change.

Opposites attract.

I look hawt.

"Sugar, you look like you could beat someone up with a bat," Dolly says. "Then have wild sex with them."

I look at her in the mirror.

Something is very wrong with her.

My hair is piled on top of my head with airy ringlets dangling down my back and sides. My eyes? A touch smoky, giving me a harder look. Completely different than last night.

The loud knock at the door sends my adrenaline spiking. The goal is to brush past Jules and make it down to the lobby to find Louis. To tell them I know their plan and I can help protect myself. Maybe that will turn Louis on.

Never know.

"Good luck, I'll meet you in the lobby," Dolly says and is gone.

I walk to the door and yank it open and feel my face instantly heat. Jules is leaned up against the door decked out in dark-sexy-cowboy style. A black hat making his crystal gaze seem to glow under the brim.

"God's teeth," he murmurs as eyes lower to my girls, which are displayed rather boldly.

Pound it, Pierce.

A thrill shoots down my spine as I push past him. "Excuse me, Mr. Bagstock, I was just leaving," I get out as bitchy as I can.

He reaches out and snatches my arm with his gloved hand and yanks me back into the room. I stumble to the wall as I watch him shut the door, eyes still devouring me.

My pulse is beating against my neck like I just downed a hundred Red Bulls.

"I don't think Louis would like you man-handling me," I say, pressing myself back against the wall. His three-piece suit is expensive looking and makes him look like the evil villain in all black, leather gloves, and a gaze that makes nuns pray for purifying.

The way he looks at me is not right.

His eyes scan over my body, making me shiver, his mouth slightly open as he takes a step in my direction. Then his mouth molds into a dark smirk. "He might not like that Dove, but you do," he murmurs then looks up at me.

I swallow. "Get out," I say.

He takes more steps toward me. "You are coming with me, Charlie," he tilts his head as he watches me. The way he says my name makes me clench my thighs. "Tim Lester and his gang are heading our way, and Louis thought it's wise to protect you."

I give him a look. "But not you?"

He grins at me. "I want the stone. So I have to care about you until you tell me where it is. Otherwise, no."

"I know nothing," I say and smile at him. "Feel free to stop caring."

I am finding that I like this little game we are playing, a little too much.

Pushing him to the edge is addicting.

He looks around my room with his hands on his hips and stops at my suitcase. Jules looks back at me. "Do you care if I recheck your suitcase? I didn't get a good look that other night."

I fight a grin. "Yes, I do care."

He is half grinning. "You're carrying a gun? And you know how to use it even?" He looks very interested in my answer, almost impressed.

"I do, and I am not scared to use it."

Always wanted to say that.

He whistles as he looks me up and down. "You have big tits, and you're dangerous?" He touches his chest with his gloved hand. "What a little diamond you are."

"You're an ass," I say, my face reddening. "Are you trying to make me hate you even more?"

"And you cuss," he walks up to me, his crystal gaze pinning me. "Now you're making me hard, Charlie. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror when you're pissed? Fucking scorching. Your tits heave up and down, and your eyes have a fire in them."

Jules is trying to push me, I tell myself.

My heart is pounding so hard as he stands right in front of me. The sexual tension is almost suffocating; my body is humming. "You're taunting me," I say and whip out my gun, pressing it into his rock hard abs. "Don't come any closer."

"Dove," he whispers, making me look at him. "Relax. I will never touch you. Just because you turn me on does not mean I'd ever be so inclined. I am punishing you for being related to Bentley," he says in a soft voice. "It's not entirely your fault you are a Brey, but someone has to take the fall."

"What did he do to you?" I whisper back, the tension thick.

His eyes drift to my pistole. "I killed him, that should say enough. That whole family-line has made my life miserable, and you are no different," he says easily, but I can sense a deep fury.

I take a steady breath. "How tragic," I whisper. "Does it make you angry that you are attracted to me?"

I have never been good at knowing when to quit.

Hence, the restraining order against Tanner.

Jules's blue eyes widen for a second, then he tilts his head, studying me. Something clicked inside of me, Jules thinks to make me suffer from sexual desire? Well, he is the one who has made a vow not to touch me. I can use that to my advantage.

He's is about to hate me a lot more.

And I will love every second of it.

Jules grabs my gun so fast that it makes me jump. Both of his arms are on either side of me, making my girl parts sing praises. He is dead sexy, this man. "Dove, I can see that little spark in your dark eyes. I am not going to lie to you; I want to know what you're thinking. Now."

He is breathing harder as he watches me.

I smile at him, feeling the sexually charged tension between us escalate.

Jules smiles back, his mouth looking tempting. "Damn," he whispers almost in a groan. "I am not going to like it, am I?"

I lock eyes with him and grab his perfectly tied tie, yanking him closer to me. Jules makes a sound but does not pull back. He smells divine, like some cologne mixed with fresh soap. He lowers down even more as I pull him closer, my lips at his ear.

My heart is pounding, and I can feel him tense, his hands fisting on either side of me. I lower my lips to his golden skin and whisper, "It's a shame you can't touch me, Jules, because you are right. I am a very naughty girl," I whisper, feeling adrenaline pounding through my veins.

Jules slowly raises his head to look at me, our lips so close. Our breathing audible, we could hear a pin drop. "I already knew that Charlie," he whispers. "But I am curious about how naughty?"

Oh, he is testing me.

Remember what mama always said?

Us southern girls can play nasty when we want.

I take a breath and lean in close again. I know for a fact that no woman would be this bold to say this to a man they barely know. "If you really want to know, then feel for yourself, Jules."


His mouth drops open, and he leans up, his gloved hand covering his mouth as he walks away from me. "Fucking shit, Charlie," he rasps. I can tell he is very shocked.

I grin as I feel a little triumphant, wanting to laugh.

He turns slightly, and a wide grin spreads across his face. "You just alluded to the fact that you are wet for me," he says, astonished. He wipes another hand down his face, and with the other, he cups his bulge as if he is in pain. "Leave now."

"Gladly," I say and grin at him as I pass him.

Before I exit, I turn to look back at Jules. He is leaning against the wall with a hand over his mouth, staring at me.

I shiver at his dark look. "You coming?"

He closes his light eyes and chuckles. "I might be," he groans out, "Give me a second woman." He looks back at me and takes a large breath. "I have underestimated you, yet again. I will make sure not to make that mistake again."

I give him my best pitying look. "Keep telling yourself that," and leave with a shit-eating grin on my face.

Oh, that felt exhilarating.

Bring it on Jules.

Mama's ready.