Chapter 25

I'm shaken, completely emotionally compromised. What deep scars and demons Raine must face every day when he looks at Thetis, like reopening the wound over and over again. I now understand the pain I have always seen in his gaze. The trauma replaying over and over.

But it's not the end.

At least not yet.

Raine is flirting with it as the hard punch to Thetis's face almost leaves him unconscious, despite the knife wound. And the second punch had Sun Hai drawing her sword. But, as I watch through numbness, it almost looked as if Thetis was letting it happen, not fighting back.

It's hard to see with the pouring rain, the storm howling in the air like a tortured phantom. Men grab Raine to hold him back, trying their best to restrain him. Thetis hisses in pain as he grabs the protruding knife, Sun Hai by his side, helping him stop the bleeding. Men are screaming back and forth, trying to save Thetis's life.