Whitney slowly got up with a moan. She mouthed 'what the hell?' when she caught a glimpse of her broken chair. Whitney turned around and found herself face to face with Queen Sharaina.
Before Whitney could clearly comprehend what was going on, Sharaina, with swift moves, hit several pressure points on Whitney's upper body paralyzing her hands. Feeling her hands heavy Whitney bowed a little and moved away from Sharaina who just stood there smiling with her eyes closed.
"What the hell was that? Why can't I feel my hands?" Whitney was frustrated and confused.
"This is the beginning of your training." Sharaina launched into the air, did a backflip and landed on a huge rock.
"My training?" Whitney asked.
Whitney looked around and the environment was totally different from the one she saw as she looked out the window. Whitney faced up and stared at the blue sky without clouds. When she spotted the sun, she was shocked that she was able to stare right at it without squinting her eyes. Whitney gazed at it more and parted her lips at how it didn't hurt her eyes. She shifted her eyes to the land of only sand and rocks.
"Where are we?" Whitney asked, bewildered.
"We are in a dimension that is infested with huge ogre monsters known as kremis." Sharaina chirpily answered from above.
"A dimension? Wait, how and when did we get here?" Whitney continued to look around.
"Remember when I threw you out the window?" Sharaina asked her with a smug.
"How can I forget?" Whitney snarled at her irritated.
"Anyway, when I threw you out the window, you flew straight into a dimensional portal that I opened. Opening and creating portals to dimensions or destinations is one of my abilities as a darkas god. I can even open a portal to hell though I am having trouble opening one to heaven.
"Angels are really protective over their territory especially angel Michael. That guy needs to loosen up." Sharaina put her finger on her chin thoughtfully only to snap her fingers excitedly later. "Don't worry though, soon you should be able to open a portal too."
"What I'm I doing here?" Whitney could feel her patience thinning with Sharaina.
"You are to fight a kremis right here and now without the use of your arms!"
"A what?!? You mean those ogre monsters you mentioned earlier?" Whitney backed away with her hands low and back curved.
"Now all we have to do is find and anger one." Queen Sharaina clapped her hands excitedly. "Wadose!"
"Yes, my queen." Wadose responded, his tone respectful as always.
"Wait a minute, when did he get here!?" Whitney wondered.
"Have you brought the Gaku berries with you?" Sharaina asked him, completely ignoring Whitney's questions. Wadose showed a bowl of black berries the size of quail eggs to Sharaina. "Excellent," She picked one and held it up. Sharaina brought the berry to her lips and softly blew on it.
"What are you doing!?" Whitney grunted in annoyance. Nothing Queen Sharaina did was making sense to her and it was driving her nuts.
"I am angering the Kremis that lives here so that it can fight you." Queen Sharaina said innocently.
This woman is crazy. Whitney widened her eyes at Sharaina astonished.
"I can't anger one without spreading the scent of Gaku berries. We have a lot of Gaku berries in Dark Star and this attracted a lot of attacks from these beasts. Along with my soldiers and gamarax manipulators, I banished them to this dimension. They won't cause any problems here. No life form apart from them lives here. " Sharaina added with a shrug.
"That's it, I'm going to die today. I was reborn only to die hours after." Whitney lamented to herself.
The ground moved and Whitney dropped on her knees. In no time, a Kremis burst above from underground. It was purple and more than 60 m tall from waist up. Beneath its waist was a long snakelike tail. With its one reptile eye, it glared at Whitney. It punched the ground with both its muscular arms and let out a deafening roar.
"You have got to be kidding me right now. I have to fight that? Without any weapons and my hands paralyzed!?"
"You don't need your hands sweetheart. You're a darkas god now, remember? Kremis are small fry to us." Sharaina said lazily and laid on her back. "This might take a while." she closed her eyes and chuckled to herself.
Whitney looked at the beast knowing full well that it would show her no mercy. She could not move her hands no matter how hard she tried. Whitney knew she had to find a way to get out of that alive otherwise she would not be able return to earth and kill Steve.
Wadose got ready to watch the showdown. He was intrigued by his queen's calmness because he had serious doubts that Whitney would survive. Her death was going to bring cause a huge loss for Sharaina but yet, there she was eating gaku berries.
Wasting no more time, the kremis charged at Whitney and raised its left arm. It violently collided on the ground and caused a great deal of it to break and scatter. Whitney hid behind a rock relieved she miraculously dodged.
She quickly made a run for it and hid behind another rock, panting hard. The kremis heard her and smashed the rock she took refuge behind. Again, Whitney managed to dodge it in time. She spied the kremis from behind a rock.
"You are going to eventually run out of rocks, Whitney." Queen Sharaina remarked and spat out seeds.
"Maybe if you get down from there, we won't have to worry about the rocks!" Whitney yelled at Sharaina and yet again, blowing her cover. Whitney tried to get away but stepped on her dress and fell. "Damn it this dress is too long!"
Her highness specifically picked this dress for you. You will wear it. Wadose's stern voice echoed in Whitney's head, and she gaped.
"This crazy woman planned this perfectly so that would have difficulties in battle." Whitney got up and kept running again as she dodged the beast's attacks. She found another big rock to hide behind. "If I have to get out of this, I have to fight. I am a darkas god now after all but the question is, how I can fight?" she thought to herself.
The kremis looked for Whitney but was unable to find her. It growled in frustration and slapped its tail hard against the ground. In its anger, it bashed into a huge rocky hill close to Whitney and caused an avalanche. Whitney shirked and fell on her back with her knees up. Boulders and pointy sharp crystals came crushing down.
One huge rock headed straight for her. Whitney saw it and closed her eyes shut. She heard a loud bang and believed that she was a goner. Small rocks fell on Whitney, and she shot her eyes open, wondering where the boulder was. It was at that moment when she realized that she smashed it to bits with her knees.
"Things are now getting interesting, my queen." Wadose remarked.
"Now let's see how she will use her new-found strength." Sharaina folded her legs and rested her head on her palm.
Whitney laughed when she realized she had super strength. However, her laughter, was interrupted when six pointy crystals fell right at her. One plunged into her hand but to her surprise, it didn't hurt. The others missed her vital organs, but they jammed into her dress.
With so much difficulty due to her arm paralysis, Whitney forced herself up, ripping her dress in the process. With the wind blowing her hair one side, her arm bleeding and her torn dress; she grinned at the beast.
She took off her heels, stomped the ground and rocks were forced into the air. Whitney kicked one of them higher and with a stronger kick, she sent it smashing at the kremis. Not giving it a chance, Whitney ran very fast towards it and jumped. To her surprise and delight, she launched up in the air. Facing the beast, she gave it one powerful kick in the face.
The kremis fell down and got even angrier at her insult. It tossed a boulder at Whitney and she dodged it. It then charged at Whitney roaring so angrily. Whitney launched again but it grabbed her and violently slammed her to the ground.
It slammed her over and over again. Whitney coughed out blood and wondered what to do next. The kremis trapped her in such a way that she couldn't move her legs and she couldn't really depend on her hands either. It lifted her to its mouth and opened wide.
Luckily for her, a rock fell hard on the kremis's head and with quick reflexes, Whitney spun around freeing herself from its grip. She gave it a hard kick under its chin that sent it flying up in the air. Whitney launched at it and kicked it over and over again all over its body. The last kick landed in its eye and purple blood splashed everywhere.
Whitney landed on the ground away from the beast panting heavily and watched it land with a thud. The Kremis whimpered as it took its last breath and died. Covered with its blood, she stood there looking at its lifeless body. Wadose looked on shocked that Whitney survived.
Her highness was right in her judgement. He internally commented.
Having seen enough Sharaina jumped down and joined Whitney. "Well done, you have passed your first training session." She complimented with a smile.
"Great," Whitney said sarcastically "now give me back my arms."
"I don't see why not." Sharaina poked Whitney's forehead and a rush of energy was sent throughout her body. Whitney didn't have time to react to the soothing feeling because of the sudden sharp pain in her arm. She moaned and got down on her knees holding her bleeding arm. "Oh dear, we are going to have that wound checked. Wadose be a dear and fetch a gamarax manipulator."
"Yes my queen." Wadose quickly got to it.